快好知 kuaihz

181. The Obama administration wants the UK government, its closest ally in Europe, at the heart of policy-making on the continent alongside Merkel and Sarkozy. 182. If an exact match is not found during correlation, the next event with the closest timestamp to the event being correlated is selected, within acceptable range. 183. The Marines closest to me thought that I had been killed instantly, but that did not deter Corpsman George Grant. 184. It is a common misconception that if you die intestate – in other words without making any will – then your closest relatives will decide how assets are split. 185. Then he lifted the snake—it was noticeably warm to the touch on the side that had been closest to the fire—and laid it gently in the terrarium. 186. The farm is about an hour and a half's drive on potholed roads from Zhanjiang, the closest big city in this part of Guangdong. 187. Perform closest point search or range query using a k-D tree implementation. 188. With hindsight, when the 2000 election became the closest ever, the Florida shenanigans seemed prefigured in that sniggering expression, which less became the 43rd president than Alfred E. 189. If noise is the signature tune of the world, the silence is the music of the other world, the closest thing we know to the harmony of the spheres. 190. Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalence of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style (Eugene A. Nida) . 191. Behind the anti-coupling layer, closest to the wearer, lies the soft armor: flexible fabric woven or knit from aramid fibers and other materials, which Borkar refers to as the "catcher's mitt." 192. With a $200 million Moore Foundation grant, the Thirty Meter Telescope is the closest of the next-generation devices to full funding. 192.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 193. Should a mechanical mishap occur and be recognised as valid by the commissaires, the team shall be entitled to a 1.5 km neutralisation (number of laps closest to 1.5 km). 194. The red dwarf star Ross 154 looks as if it's been relegated to the position of "eighth closest star." 195. Paleontologists are now carefully studying the closest theropod relatives of birds for clues to how this transition occurred. 196. Their closest translation for Venus, Frigg, or Freya, eventually evolved into Friday, a day they considered to be the luckiest day of the week. 197. Ido Aharoni, Israel's consul general in New York, says the closest thing America has is DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. 198. Those closest were wrapped in sleeping bags, sitting for the most part in fold-out chairs. A police car idled watchfully near by.