interact造句61. She recognizes how they interact with her body chemistry, tiredness or her period.
62. However, these two stores may interact with each other to generate calcium signals.
63. Vendettas and clan warfare are part of the culture in Corsica, where political and criminal violence often interact.
64. These scratches create lots of interesting surface texture, acting as drawings that both float above the painting and interact with it.
65. Alternatively, pragmatics and other linguistic components or levels can be allowed to interact.
66. The two may interact with one another - for instance when countries try to control capital outflows in order to maintain a given exchange rate.
67. Engelbart was embarking on a crusade to augment human capabilities by applying new technologies and developing ways to interact with that technology.
68. For some, the use of an avatar frees them from shyness and allows them to interact more openly and honestly.
69. If they become a chore, they defeat the purpose of helping the child to want to interact with you.
70. But there are some molecular vibrations which can not interact with this radiation.
71. The third law is about forces and how objects interact with each other.
72. From empirical evidence it seems that species that interact freely with others do so with a great number of other species.
73. They interact with the natural world in complex, ill-understood ways - ecology is the youngest science.
74. A central issue is whether syntactic and semantic information contribute independently or interact in the comprehension process.
75. This model incorporates all different categories of information which interact in an ongoing manner to constrain the processing of a sentence.
76. And if so, what were they and how did they interact with the virus to produce an epidemic?
77. The different dimensions of conflict overlap and interact in a sometimes bewildering variety of ways.
78. In a case like this, gender divisions interact with inheritance patterns to produce particular forms of relationship between brothers and sisters.
79. Evidence is accumulating to show that gut epithelial cells interact closely with adjacent mononuclear cells.
80. This occurs in the upper atmosphere when neutrons produced by cosmic rays interact with nitrogen atoms.
81. For the first and last time in her life, Amelia was too preoccupied to interact with her peers.
82. These are all techniques by which families can be helped to understand the way they interact together by practical, visual means.
83. The virtual particle can interact with the magnetic field and affect the moment of the muon.
84. The plasma membrane is the medium through which all cells interact with their environment.
85. In general, there exists a considerable variety of ways in which a system may interact with its environment.
86. You never have to interact with them and then you can observe how they respond to your environmental structuring.
87. The next chapter will extend further the explanation of how the structures interact to produce different forms of the body politic.
88. We shall explore how these factors interact more fully below.
89. They then interact with microwaves on their way up and again on the way down after gravity has turned them round.
90. This effect, however, appears to interact with retention interval in a way that is not necessarily consistent with repression interpretations.