persist造句(61) All that dealers needed was the ability to persist after the phone had been slammed down on them.
(62) These larvae do not develop, but the skin lesions usually persist for weeks.
(63) Lacking familial motivation and psychological stability, he can not persist responsibly at work even when he can find it.
(64) Your most valuable asset can be your willingness to persist longer than anyone else.Brian Tracy
(65) There are even more examples of very thin units that persist over fantastically large areas in particular sedimentary basins.
(66) In the face of enduring human callousness how can man persist with his compromises?
(67) Their conceptual framework is based on two central questions: What functions must be performed if the state is to persist?
(68) So long as they are subject to the dominance of the economic imperialism of the West their poverty will persist.
(69) Similarly, neither the Titans nor Dionysos are destroyed or annihilated by Zeus' thunderbolt; they, as Chaos, persist.
(70) Uniscan could persist throughout the 1950s without much difficulty since it in no way threatened national independence.
(71) But, if the cooler conditions persist, and Melbourne is notorious for its fickle weather, it will favour Lapentti.
(72) The fact that superstition, occultism, and vague forms of religious paganism persist into modernity is nothing to shout about.
(73) As people lived longer and the death rate fell. a larger population was able to persist.
(74) We described stratification earlier as a stable structure of inequality between groups which persist across generations.
(75) Nevertheless serious misgivings may persist about the wisdom of ascribing identity to meanings.
(76) Why do stereotypes like this persist not just in folklinguistics but also in modern scientific linguistics?
(77) We found that chronic constipation in young children can persist for many years.
(78) In other countries, however, suspicions persist that the weapons and the paramilitary training were put to illegal use.
(79) However, substantial grade differences in sickness absence persist after taking account of a wide range of risk factors.
(80) If you persist, your success is out of question.
(81) People who persist will finally win the day.
(82) We also elaborate the strict technology assessment procedure, persist the technology assessment standard, conform the technology assessment method and initiate the deep level from this ponder.
(83) Have in the banality of the life how much solitary of you, I, there will be how much persist expectantly.
(84) You always need to persist (or store) data in an enterprise application, and writing data access and retrieval code is a pain.
(85) Currently to persist and improve the autonomous system for national areas has great meaning to fully build well-off society and create socialistic harmonious society.
(86) Persistent pupillary membrane is a condition of the eye involving remnants of a fetal membrane that persist as strands of tissue crossing the pupil.
(87) The current teaching situation of organic evolution in America high school tells us: be on your guard against antievolution thought and persist the theory of evolution.
(88) Whether the young cells that persist become neurons or glia depends on where in the brain they end up and what type of activity is occurring in that brain region at the time.
(89) Intra-abdominal gas can persist for a day or two following celiotomy.
(90) Until China's allows a free-floating currency, controversy over its value will persist, and the yuan will play a limited role in the global economy.