快好知 kuaihz

151. Electron microscopy showed a striking increase in collagen with minimal fibroblast proliferation. 152. The investigation of the flow past obstacles or of boundary layers requires a uniform flow with minimal velocity fluctuations. 153. Until you upgrade it by paying a fee, shareware usually has minimal documentation and no tech support. 154. It provides a means of improving performance at a minimal cost. 155. Buildings under construction are often ideal; usually they have stairwells but no windows, multiple points of entry and minimal security. 156. We give him minimal credit if he is simply repeating what another speaker has just said. 157. Thus a functional prerequisite of society involves at least a minimal degree of integration between the parts. 158. So the election produced an enormous increase in at least minimal awareness of local candidates. 159. With only minimal attention and love, he neither speaks nor walks nor feeds himself. 160. The impact of the sale on current employees should be minimal. 161. There is a desire for minimal time interval between cessation and treatment. 162. Minimal pairs and nearly minimal pairs should be placed side by side across the lists. 163. As members are in fact borrowing from friends, neighbours or colleagues, the extent of default is minimal. 164. Parliamentary influence over these appointments is minimal, the matter being almost entirely one of ministerial discretion. 165. Furthermore there were minimal chances for urban or industrial employment in the vicinity. 166. The scarcity of modern director's negligence cases suggests that the likelihood of liability actually being imposed is currently minimal. 167. The minimal sculptures by Araeen and Avtarjeet Danjal have a dated, anonymous air. 168. There is minimal documentation on the disk, but, since the program is menu-driven, little explanation is required. 169. The company says that the range has a minimal dispersion - no more than 2 deg C per hour - in all conditions. 170. Rainfall is minimal and the land is infertile, marked by erosion and extreme dryness. 171. It requires only minimal operator instruction for error-free operation. 172. Louis Mansky, a virologist at the University of Minnesota, says that risk is minimal. 173. You can, for example, "strip down" a process to contain a minimal subset of its content by removing packages that contain elements of work that you do not want to perform. 174. Though the band had minimal commercial success during its existence, Neu! 175. By using the method, the digital multiplexer networks being designed can be simplified to minimal tree-type networks. The example given in the paper shows that the method is effect... 176. Applying PVDF as a sensitive material, the developed sensor has a complaisance surface and a minimal size, very suitable for the bionical hand. 177. In this paper, formulas are derived for the minimal order filter in a singular, linear time-invariant, continuous and stochastic system. 178. Scheduling of heterogeneous system takes aim at balancing computing load and getting minimal parallel execute time. 179. Following this, a new method based on supergraph for minimal cover is given. 180. The results are(1)the levels of Pb of children who suffered from pica and minimal brain dysfunction are higher than that of normal children.