spell造句271. No more than usual, was the answer, but at last it was enough to break the spell.
272. Face-to-face situations provide the context, objectives spell out the desirable end and behaviours are the means.
273. However, there's no doubt the blitz on the weeds on our return from holiday took a disproportionately long spell.
274. With reduced legal aid payouts and a tough new means test for applicants looming, it could spell financial disaster.
275. When arranged in the correct order, the letters will spell a word which you fill in on this grid.
276. After my first spell of night duty I collapsed into bed and slept for nineteen hours.
277. And if she took Johnny into the cottage, might this in some way break the spell and spoil the magic?
278. A spell checker, word count feature and thesaurus are all included and the program can handle headers and footers.
279. High Elf mages are mighty spell casters whose fiery blasts and awesome energies have won many a battle.
280. But then I asked for just one spell of six months as a locum in some exotic place.
281. It will be useful therefore to spell out, if only briefly, some of its main characteristics.
282. I haven't the faintest idea of how to spell auf-wie-der-sein, but that's the word.
283. I should know by now that heavy drinkers are awfully fond of high-flown rationalisations for any brief spell of abstinence.
284. After a spell in borstal he was introduced to influential figures in the London underworld of the mid-60s./spell.html
285. Last year we had an irritating habit of losing; now we seem to be in a nasty spell of drawing matches.
286. People who only learn phonic reading methods must not only be systematically taught to spell but given help in comprehension.
287. If you wanted to spell check it, you had to buy a spelling checker.
288. To spell out how the concept works, plans for care management in Southwark's mental health services are described.
289. I thought that, if we were to meet again, he would remove the spell that he had cast over me.
290. The disruption caused by a second spell in which roads and pavements are dug up would be too great.
291. That meant Christmas profits, which usually see the railway through the lean spell to April, were not available.
292. Veterinary examination revealed the true identity of the horse and led to a spell in Maidstone jail for Willett.