快好知 kuaihz

61. If the supply of data slowed due to excess use, the cooperative could purchase larger pipes for all to share. 62. Cooperation enters politics By the end of the nineteenth century an important cooperative movement was established in West Ham. 63. How can health and local authorities develop cooperative procedures if care is spread across many health districts? 64. Forced equality is unwise because it disrupts the natural, cooperative hierarchy among groups and causes social conflict and unnatural change. 65. For this reason, trade unions might be active in cooperative efforts with management to achieve growth through greater efficiency. 66. It spread the cooperative gospel amongst women as consumers and purchasers. 67. Without delay we sped by cab to his cooperative apartment on the Upper West Side. 68. The guild, untrammelled by the weight of conservatism, was in the vanguard of cooperative thought and action. 69. Cramlington is an example of an almost entirely cooperative relationship. 70. A programme for the Cooperative Party was formulated at the conference soon after its formation. 71. He did not need to say that he envisioned this as a cooperative effort. 72. The clinics provide an opportunity for cooperative arrangements between health departments and academic centers. 72. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 73. The first national conference of the Cooperative Party set the agenda. 74. In announcing the victims fund, the banks expressed the hope that it would promote a more cooperative spirit in the negotiations. 75. Cooperative enterprise is not powered by individual reward, nor does it thrive on single-minded loyalty to an isolated corporate logo. 76. The nature of the task requires cooperative activity of a high order at various levels and between a wide range of people. 77. Perhaps the neatest way of expressing the distinction is to contrast unilateral and cooperative procedures. 78. Amalgamations were part of cooperative rationalisation in a drive to improve trading, but for Barnes this one had a distinct political dimension. 79. His buying cooperative dropped Shaw after the company announced it would get into the retail market. 80. But the problem with morning light therapy is that the sun is not always cooperative. 81. In this process, the Women' s Cooperative Guild played a key role. 82. He tested them carefully over the next several years, sending them off with cooperative sea captains. 83. Most horses will stand better for the farrier, and be more cooperative, if they are reassured and rewarded. 84. Leaders like that get only the bare minimum of effort and never rouse employees to cooperative activity. 85. A cooperative had also been established where blacks could buy goods more cheaply. 86. Many heritage establishments will be cooperative provided the matter is discussed in advance. 87. One other Sunday paper died in the 1960s, after struggling on with subsidies from the Cooperative movement. 88. Grice suggests that the maxims are in fact not arbitrary conventions, but rather describe rational means for conducting cooperative exchanges. 89. Rice cultivation, which is dependent on the vagaries of weather and on complex systems of irrigation, requires cooperative labor. 90. Yet work organizations depend on shared power in win-win cooperative effort.