快好知 kuaihz

1. The jury reached a unanimous verdict of 'not guilty'. 2. The jury has retired to consider its verdict. 3. The jury returned/announced/brought in their verdict. 4. Everyone was aghast at the verdict. 5. The jury were unanimous in their verdict. 6. A hushed courtroom awaited the verdict./verdict.html 7. The jury returned a unanimous guilty verdict. 8. The jury returned an open verdict. 9. The jury reached/returned a unanimous verdict of guilty. 10. The jury has returned a verdict of guilty. 11. Has the jury reached a verdict? 12. The jury returned a verdict of justifiable homicide. 13. The jury returned a verdict of accidental death. 14. The jury returned a verdict of guilty / not guilty. 15. The response to the jury's verdict was one of outrage. 16. The jury returned a unanimous verdict of guilty after a short deliberation. 17. In the case of an adverse verdict, the company could stand to lose millions. 18. The court's initial verdict in the police officers' trial set off serious riots. 19. The coroner recorded a verdict of death by natural causes. 20. She called the verdict a victory of truth over falsehood. 21. Two of the judges disagreed with the verdict. 22. The verdict was set aside by the Appeal Court. 23. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty. 24. The jury finally delivered its verdict. 25. The verdict was that the prisoner was guilty. 26. The coroner recorded a verdict of death by misadventure. 27. The jury found him guilty by a majority verdict. 28. She showed no emotion at the verdict. 29. He was too puffed up with his own importance, too blinded by vanity to accept their verdict on him. 30. An audible gasp went round the court as the jury announced the verdict.