快好知 kuaihz

91 Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence.George Washington 92 Besides that, he used the intimate form of address, tum. 93 Television is the most personal and intimate communication medium there is. 94 Share a professional concern with a close confidante or intimate Saturday, but come Sunday you must get on your soapbox. 95 He quarrelled with Rousseau after being on intimate terms with him, but then everybody did. 96 These important nuances are often recognised only after a long and intimate experience of the couple under study. 97 Although only Rick has been intimate with her, both brothers are still obsessed with her a full decade later. 98 This is the action in the famous Argyll v. Argyll, which concerned the possible disclosure of intimate marital secrets. 99 A few fields have the remains of small sunken stone dwellings, intimate as those at Skara Brae. 100 A nanny provides the most intimate care for a baby and offers parents complete freedom to come and go as they wish. 101 Some gray matter, such as the thalamus, has an intimate back-and-forth relationship with the cerebral cortex. 102 Maybe these intimate stories, coming from some one she hardly knew, had overwhelmed her. 103 Hindley Foster had obviously perceived her dilemma and understood it, even though he had said he had no intimate knowledge of procreation. 104 It was unsettling to know that a panel of celibate strangers were scrutinizing her most intimate affairs. 105 In well-functioning marriages, spouses discuss important intimate decisions such as whether to bear a child. 106 Murder seemed to her too intimate, too similar to giving birth. 107 I saw that Brian was having an intimate conversation with an attractive young woman, and so I left quietly. 108 If the relationship is to be intimate, then we will be close together. 109 He knew Monet as an associate, if not an intimate friend. 110 I recalled he had struck up an intimate conversation with her in the lobby after breakfast. 111 They record and reflect on daily activities, delicately holding within the innocent seeming image much that is intimate. 112 It was a small, intimate gathering that was assembled, as was the custom among nice Atchison families. 113 The new relationship combines the pleasure of intimate friendship with the added benefits of a close and shared past. 114 Communities are overcrowded, with public facilities more often aimed at impersonal masses rather than stimulating intimate interaction. 115 She focuses the music on her keyboards and her front-and-center vocals, which can be breathy and intimate or jagged. 116 The luxurious dress, ornate chair and intimate setting reflect the rococo spirit of the period. 117 They want a meeting, they intimate, and are boarding for that purpose now. 118 But l wanted to step beyond that and explore what an intimate relationship would be. 119 Traditionally, an intimate connection has been seen between style and an author's personality. 120 Heat had intimate links with chemistry, and optics with astronomy.