快好知 kuaihz

121. We need to discourage the use of cars for short journeys. 122. The health payment system can discourage doctors from doing the right thing, the report said. 123. It is understood that the Government has done nothing to discourage City expectations that it will curtail its gilt-edged buying programme. 124. At the very least your notes should not discourage you in this aim. 125. The complexities of scheduling thousands of students for individual courses discourage change. 126. The overcritical teacher can discourage originality. 127. You should discourage him from taking that trip. 128. Preventing dissent may discourage creative thinking within the group. 129. Cities will have a powerful incentive to discourage recycling. 130. The longer paragraph format seems to discourage viewing. 131. We should discourage extramarital affairs. 132. a campaign to discourage smoking among teenagers. 133. People do not discourage this kind of petty work. 134. Beijing acted quickly to discourage these demonstrators asto spook foreign investors. 135. Frontlines aims to discourage such reckless neophyte abandon in a variety of ways. 136. Because of that possibility, the docs discourage the practice of interchanging wchar_t and XMLCh. 137. Could this actually be an effort to discourage suborbital rockets, which might break through the space debris and catch sight of the Universe society? 138. Sometimes nations discourage business entrepreneurship under the banner of high-sounding doctrines, but often they do so as a way of protecting existing businessmen and others of wealth. 139. Building a bridge, which is the prime example in Kulak's article, does try to discourage change during a project. 139. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 140. Don't instigate rigid hierarchies, discourage huge pay differentials, democratise decision-making and don't set impossible standards for leaders. 141. Galia Traub (WPI '09) contrasts the ECPD definition to Kulak's implications that engineering is about "static processes and brittle team structures that tend to discourage change." 142. Quickly she offered him a plum , hoping to discourage his interest. 143. In the second stage, there is a chance that the government may initiate some soft measures to discourage debt-related inflows. 144. The last two weeks will be wall-to-wall commercials that will provoke, encourage or discourage you to vote for or against somebody. 145. Liquidity traps can vitiate it on the downside, but when inflation threatens, tightening the money supply and raising interest rates will discourage spending. 146. I also would like to warn the team: we can't discourage, we are still top of Serie A and went through to knock-out stages in Champions League'. 147. Subsidies on rice exports by industrial countries also discourage higher production in low-cost countries. 148. Nothing would ever discourage the Islamic Republic of Iran to stop its nuclear-energy program. 149. Because in such cases the cost is borne by the tenant, we discourage premature termination of contract. 150. I am not here to discourage but encourage you guys to write error - free clean English essays.