bull造句151. Bull sniffed the rain on the evening air and hurried down the street towards the corner pub.
152. This bull market will end, as every bull market eventually ends.
153. And so, in true Arien fashion, she had decided to take the bull by the horns.
154. Their Staffordshire bull terrier Bodger was destroyed after the attack in their home at Lee-on-Solent, Portsmouth.
155. Bull leaned out of the window, gripping the edge of the crumbling sill with spotlessly clean hands.
156. Now that they have tired them-selves out, they begin skinning the bull.
157. The bull lifts its head a little and gazes up at the Admiralty for some moments.
158. Or else, taking the bull by the horns: Anywhere out of the world.
159. Even before First Bull Run they undertook a project calculated to meet the problem.
160. But Mutch and Bull, 300 goals between them, fired blanks all afternoon and rookie Hoult was in sharp form anyway.
161. Naturally this was like a red rag to a bull and I refused to even consider such a course of action.
162. Last year, we were trying to attract Holy Bull to the MassCap with the bonus and look what happened to him.
163. One of the tines had been broken recently, possibly in an encounter with another bull, or perhaps with a tree.
164. That bull had been the moving spirit of the herd, a figure rather of mythic than of material dimension.
165. The thirty-four-year-old general assumed command of all the troops in the Washington area only six days after Bull Run.
166. Like I told you, we're determined to crown our collection with that seladang bull.
167. Bull! You could have come if you really wanted to.
168. He was a raw young bull, itching for more action and glamour in his life.
169. Sacha Bull was born with a heart defect which meant vital blood supplies were being channelled to other parts of the body.
170. Bull fighting suggests itself as one immediately, but it is hardly rampant in Britain.
171. She descended into hell to attend the funeral of the raging bull of heaven, her instrument for terrorizing the earth.
172. The policy of John Bull is to make the finest confectionery in the old fashioned way, using the best ingredients.
173. He gave me a cock and bull story about the glass being smashed by hailstones.
174. To impress and drive away lesser males, the harem bull develops a darker coat and a swollen neck.
175. These activities supported high-stakes gambling, for example, on the outcome of fights between selectively bred bull terriers.
176. This bull market bears no relation to that gambling spree.
177. This young man was a bull looking for a china shop.
178. Alligators are not particularly sociable animals, and big bull gators often will stake out their own ponds.
179. But not only Cii-Honeywell Bull failed to make the grade.
180. Johno is a 13-stone bull mastiff, Barry's the tiny border terrier.