sheer造句61. I got most answers right through sheer chance.
62. It's sheer lunacy driving in this weather.
63. You should sheer off the wicked urchin.
64. For me, the holiday was sheer unadulterated pleasure.
65. He leapt up and down in sheer outrage.
66. Their new album is sheer dynamite.
67. The defence conceded stupid goals through sheer carelessness.
68. Take no notice of his threats they're sheer bravado.
69. They described the war zone as sheer hell.
70. Most economists think his theories are sheer bunk.
71. To begin a war would be sheer madness.
72. He refused to help out of sheer/pure cussedness.
73. The sheer bulk of Mozart's music is extraordinary.
74. For sheer entertainment value, Kelly stood alone.
75. Swimming on a hot day is sheer bliss.
76. Sheer obstinacy prevented her from apologizing.
77. The rush-hour traffic was sheer torture as usual.
78. The mountain rises sheer from the plain.
79. Their daughter's wedding reception was sheer ostentation.
80. The river runs between walls of sheer rock.
81. That would be an act of sheer folly!
82. The ground dropped sheer away at our feet.
83. She's marrying him out of sheer perversity.
84. It was sheer heaven being alone at last.
85. Cutting down the forest is sheer madness .
86. The sheer musicianship of this young woman is breathtaking.
87. I left the room untidy out of sheer defiance.
88. His speedy promotion is from sheer ability.
89. It is sheer madness to do it.
90. Projects were frequently abandoned through sheer inertia.