vaccine造句61. His live-virus vaccine was approved for use in 1961 even though there is a slight risk of the disease occurring in recipients.
62. She had been inoculated April 21 with the Cutter vaccine, along with almost four-hundred Clearwater County first-and second graders.
63. The problem came with mass production and distribution of the vaccine.
64. Genetic engineering techniques will speed up the development process for the AIDS vaccine, but these experimental new techniques still require time.
65. Scientists were optimistic about the prospect of developing an AIDS vaccine.
66. Months of wrangling over new production standards for the vaccine and new inspection procedures followed.
67. So the federal government must make a special effort to keep AIDS vaccine research afloat, Gallo said.
68. But the spin-off will hold exclusive rights to the vaccine and related scientific data.
69. But the hopes fell flat, and private funding for vaccine work is drying up.
70. With the vaccine approved and becoming more widely available, the unvaccinated continued to come down with polio.
71. Tests on healthy people may lay the foundation for a vaccine to prevent AIDS.
72. If people will use the vaccine available, it is possible to give paralytic polio a knockout blow within the next year.
73. It accounted for a third of all oral polio vaccine administered.
74. So it can not be ruled out that this man had contracted his HIV from polio vaccine a few weeks before.
75. In a few minutes I will report on a new polio vaccine announced as a polio cure.
76. If you are a person at greater risk from flu, consider having a flu vaccine this autumn.
77. He had developed a vaccine using virulent forms of polio that were then killed with formaldehyde and injected.
78. Evaluate vaccine efficacy and the costs and benefits of vaccination programs for emerging infections.
79. I am compelled to add my personal plea to the current campaign for all young adults to receive the Salk vaccine.
80. The only reliable method of preventing parasitic bronchitis is to immunise all young calves with lungworm vaccine.
81. Hepatitis remains a killer, and although a highly effective vaccine is now available, very few gay men have taken it.
82. Like all good conspiracy theories, the polio vaccine theory's originators are its worst enemies.
83. The vaccine protects against Hepatitis B, a highly infectious virus.
84. In 2000, Bill Clinton promised millions more dollars to fund AIDS vaccine research.
85. More distant prospects include improved vaccines for tuberculosis and childhood diseases, and possibly an AIDS vaccine, Young said.
86. They are eagerly awaited, for even a partially effective vaccine could have a significant impact on the virus's spread.
87. Reports about the successful vaccine took on a euphoric cast.
88. Doctors in Colorado, like doctors everywhere else, did not have enough of the vaccine.
89. First, chimpanzee kidney tissues will prove to have been used to grow Chat polio vaccine.
90. In August that year $ 25 million worth of vaccine was backlogged and in danger of passing its six-month expiration date.