hay造句(61) You ask me to cut grass and make hay and sell it and be rich like white men.
(62) Outdoor concerts are fine for country singers, provided they involve cutting and baling hay from the seating areas before hand.
(63) David Harper said he became frantic when the hay bales in the barn caught light.
(64) They would let lawyers know they were available by having ears of corn or hay protruding from their shoes.
(65) One of the men had even helped to shift bales of hay before police arrived and detained the pair.
(66) Pollutants such as nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons have also been linked to hay fever, chest infection and childhood cancer.
(67) How far do you have to carry hay, bedding and water buckets?
(68) I'd have liked best of all to have stuffed his mouth with hay.
(69) As it is the hay and silage season, we had been going non-stop since dawn.
(70) The treatment is effective for a wide range of illnesses as well as for allergies and hay fever.
(71) We fell asleep under the stars, sometimes we slept in the hay.
(72) That's the biggest and most urgent task facing the restorers, a company from Hay on Wye.
(73) Our 4-year-old daughter is sneezing like she has hay fever.
(74) The farmer forked hay.
(75) This turn is followed immediately by tedder or hay forks and the swathes fluffed up and aerated.
(76) They went up the ladder and examined the body in the hay.
(77) Children can have hay fever, and despite the name, spring is not an uncommon time for its symptoms to appear.
(78) Hay fever is really an allergy to pollen and the peak time is early June.
(79) Paying alimony is like feeding hay to a dead horse.Groucho Marx
(80) Bales of hay and tyres were set alight, damaging the entrance of one office.
(81) The spotted mare started to eat her hay, but Gary's mare went on walking round, very edgy.
(82) There was a barn at the far end of the hay meadow, away from the house and the other barns.
(83) Tentative plans include hay rides, a dedication ceremony and hiking tours.
(84) He then threw them on to the ground in the tinder-dry hay loft without putting them out properly,[.com] it is alleged.
(85) And remember - if you're using eye drops for your hay fever, leave your contact lenses out.
(86) If she is 14 rather than 10, it could increase her chances of getting to keep her child, Hay said.
(87) The drugs I take for hay fever make me feel very drowsy.
(88) Time allowed 01:25 Read in studio Police are hunting arsonists who're targeting hay barns at the height of the harvest.
(89) Hay on Wye made its name by dealing in second-hand books.
(90) He left off patting Prince and came and sat down on a bale of hay, not looking at me.