condemn造句61. In our haste to condemn cynicism we must take care not to stifle skepticism.
62. That privilege aims to protect all citizens against being compelled to condemn themselves.
63. But some school groups said the influential lawyers' group shouldn't be so quick to condemn the tough student discipline measures.
64. Inpeg, the Czech environmentalist umbrella group that organised the protests, refused to condemn Molotov cocktails being thrown at police.
65. He would have felt it demeaning to condemn this world utterly without first paying a visit to the vicinity of its ruler.
66. This does not condemn interactive multimedia to death, but it does suggest a slower-than-expected scenario for widespread adoption.
67. In front of tense townspeople she blurted out words that a Bible commonwealth had to condemn.
68. What, am I to condemn the girl for one silly mistake to a lifetime of slights and abuse?
69. Apfelbaum refreshingly asserts that a sense of humor need not condemn the artist to triviality.
70. There is a lovely sense of the purity of Elisha in the way he didn't condemn or judge.
71. We condemn the liar, blame the cheat, and excuse innocent error.
72. It is surely better to pardon too much, than to condemn too much.George Eliot
73. From early times the papacy had allied with the imperial power to condemn the unorthodox.
74. The state has managed both to condone and to condemn prostitution.
75. If you go on condemning, your condemnation shows that somewhere there is a wound, and you are feeling jealous - because without jealousy there can be no condemnation. You condemn people because somehow, somewhere, unconsciously you feel they are enjoying themselves and you have missed.Osho
76. Suddenly interested in the achievement of poor black schoolchildren, pundits, federal officials and policy-makers unanimously condemn Ebonics for lowering standards.
77. There comes a point when you either embrace who and what you are, or condemn yourself to be miserable all your days. Other people will try to make you miserable; don't help them by doing the job yourself.Laurell K. Hamilton
78. The drug companies condemn the imports as unfair because they alone must foot the registration costs.
79. Future generations will condemn us for inaction in the face of what is obviously happening in the world at present.
80. Even those who do not condemn democracy out of hand have often contrived more subtle ways of disparaging it.
81. If anything should jeopardise that freedom - an insurrection for instance - the Church, without hesitation, will condemn it.
82. Partly, it seems, from reluctance to condemn ourselves or our parents for actions that appeared absolutely correct at the time.
83. Look beneath the exterior of Birmingham before you condemn; find the real Brummie spirit before you attack it.
84. We cannot condemn him without factual evidence.
85. Western Church was correct to condemn Pelagius was wrong.
86. Washington has been urging Arafat to condemn the terrorism.
87. Lets not be judgemental here and condemn them .
88. I condemn such crude manners.
89. I condemn fascism and all It'stands for.
90. On Monday, US Senator Jim Webb urged Congress to condemn China's recent behaviour, saying that Washington has been too weak-kneed on the South China Sea issue.