scan造句(61) These programs can scan your computer for viruses every time you start up or even continuously.
(62) The most effective way to locate stress is to scan your body for tension.
(63) Plus you receive the actual text and not a photocopy, or an actual image file and not a scan.
(64) The PET scan studies showed that altering glutamate levels could lead to new ways to treat schizophrenia.
(65) The clinical indices and laboratory measurements were made within one week of having the bowel scan.
(66) The researchers used functional MRI to scan 14 healthy people while they listened to two types of jokes.
(67) A bone scan on Monday revealed a compression fracture in vertebrae in the middle of his back.
(68) The verses scan well.
(69) It is true that one can scan a whole evening's programmes and find only puerile junk on every channel.
(70) But Golota, described as awake and alert after passing a CAT scan, was released Sunday morning.
(71) The 33-kiosk Seville network allows users to scan menus, view pictures of a restaurant's interior and make and confirm reservations.
(72) But with Lisa, all you had to do was scan the monitor for your document, and get it.
(73) The birds call constantly in haunting high cries that make you scan the skies while they are still far away.
(74) You then scan your image using each of the filters in turn saving out the images.
(75) He got to his feet, did a 365-degree scan, and moved on.
(76) Among the casualties are hamstring victim Stuart Ripley and Robbie Mustoe, out with an injured groin following a hospital scan yesterday.
(77) Correlation between the scan score and laboratory tests varied with disease location.
(78) The scan score correlated well with C-reactive protein and alpha-1 acid glycoprotein.
(79) Barium follow-through, gastroscopy, sigmoidoscopy, barium enema, abdominal ultrasound scan, and chest radiograph were all normal.
(80) A further important value of the scan score is in serial studies in individuals particularly in the context of therapeutic trials.
(81) Prosar, which is shorthand for Professional Scan and Recognition, has a 10,000 page per day output.
(82) It was agreed that all transmission of film material will be in a progressive scan format from launch of services.
(83) John Miles, senior consultant neurosurgeon at Walton, told the inquest that an urgent scan showed a large rounded lesion.
(84) It is probably very rare for consciousness to scan every component of a particular compound of limitation.
(85) All patients had standard haematological and biochemical tests, and an upper abdominal ultrasound scan.
(86) Adrienne paused to scan her face before taking her coat and hanging it in the closet.
(87) The scan score correlates well with widely used clinical and laboratory markers of disease activity.
(88) I'd scan the sticky label in the front to see the book's lineage of fellow-sufferers.
(89) Some provide material on disk, which is a great help as it saves having to retype or scan the text.
(90) In a CAT scan, an X-ray source is rotated around a patient.