lately造句1. Have you seen him lately?
2. She's been behaving very oddly lately.
3. Have you been on a bus lately?
4. What have you been doing lately?
5. She's been having a tough time of it lately.
6. He hasn't been too well lately.
7. Have you seen any good films lately?
8. Dad's health hasn't been too good lately.
9. George has taken up with Lucy lately.
10. He's taken quite a few knocks lately.
11. Have you observed any changes lately?
12. She's been edgy lately, waiting for the test results.
13. Orders have been falling off lately;we must advertise more.
14. We've had some dreadful weather lately.
15. He looks very happy lately.
16. I haven't been feeling so well lately.
17. Lately there has been a trend towards hiring younger, cheaper employees.
18. She's been edgy lately.
18.try its best to collect and build good sentences.
19. I've been forgetful lately.
20. He hasn't been in the best of health lately.
21. She's been acting very strangely lately.
22. Have you seen any of the gang lately?
23. She's only lately begun working here.
24. I've been avoiding my folks lately.
25. You've been in my mind a lot lately.
26. Her work hasn't been up to par lately.
27. I haven't been feeling myself lately.
28. Have you seen her lately?
29. We've had a hellish time lately.
30. She's been getting up to all sorts of mischief lately.