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151. However, revolutionary technological innovation represents only the tip of the iceberg. 152. Anyone growing a beard was immediately condemned as a dangerous left wing revolutionary. 153. But again theory and history prove that this is but one road to possible revolutionary crisis in a highly developed industrial country. 154. The scheme which Branson spelt out over lunch was indeed revolutionary. 155. The revolutionary radio stations are monitored daily and brief news bulletins circulated among the prisoners. 156. It is impossible to exaggerate the revolutionary significance of the recognition of a binding judicial tribunal external to the realm. 157. Divorced from the mass movement, a revolutionary cadre becomes a sect. 158. The socialist government feared a loss of government to the C.N.T. unless they held out a revolutionary future to the social masses. 159. The attacks have sparked a bitter backlash against the revolutionary forces. 160. He and his Revolutionary Council expressed supreme confidence in their ability to stand up to the United States and its coalition partners. 161. Chapter 5 looks at attempts to explain violent political dissent and the surge of revolutionary movements. 162. In addition to this,[http:///revolutionary.html] the bureaucratic leaderships do not facilitate bringing revolutionary Marxist educational mate rial to the ranks. 163. Chapman's revolutionary ideas extended also to the running of the national team. 164. Appeals for support of a new revolutionary movement, therefore, gained relatively few adherents. 165. Many revolutionary devotees were blooded in Wuchang Uprise. 166. Bear in mind that success depends upon revolutionary drive. 167. My hometown has long history, print notes the portrayal of revolutionary martyr! 168. The July 4 Independence Day holiday commemoratesthe occasion in 1776 when the 13 original colonies declared independence from Britain during the American Revolutionary War. 169. Sitting there on my knees in the sun porch of my new apartment, I suddenly recalled how that strange, revolutionary grown-up book made it to my bookshelf in the first place. 170. A typical 'scandal' of this kind flared up round Caravaggio(1571-1610), a very bold and revolutionary Italian artist, who worked round about 1600. 171. During the American Revolutionary War it was not uncommon for spectators to watch some of the major battles. 172. The reform in China realizes its breakthrough in rural areas, while the breakthrough of the reform in rural areas is the revolutionary changes of the agricultural land usage mode. 173. According to legends, traitors were hanged at this location during the American Revolutionary War and that the Marquis de Lafayette witnessed the festive hanging of 20 highwaymen from the elm in 1824. 174. The 'Guerrilla Garderners' work under the cover of night, armed with seed bombs, chemical weapons and pitchforks . Their tactics are anarchistic, their attitude revolutionary. Their aim: to beautify. 175. In 1986 members of the Revolutionary Guards beat up the British charge d'affaires and 2007 saw the Iranian detention of 15 British sailors and marines in disputed waters along the Iraqi border. 176. This is a readable article about revolutionary bethel Xi Baipo. 177. Did not vote on a September 2007 Senate resolution calling on the administration to declare Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization. 178. The only thing that stood a chance of piercing the frontal armour of the Tiger was the British 17 - pounder gun, a weapon that boasted a revolutionary discarding tungsten sabot round. 179. 1783 - American Revolutionary War: The war ends with the signing of the Treaty of Paris by the United States and the Kingdom of Great Britain. 180. The British Biologist Dr. Rupert Sheldrake introduced the concepts of Morphic Fields and Morphic Resonance in his revolutionary 1981 book A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Formative Causation.