快好知 kuaihz

211. As it was getting colder, my body was automatically adjusting to reduce its surface area for heat loss. 212. Alternatively, your program may automatically create a backup copy that you can call up. 213. Foam began to spread through the air as the fire-fighting systems reacted automatically to the emergency. 214. You will automatically become the manager of all the modules reserved. 214.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 215. If the driver does not respond, a back-up system automatically applies the brakes or makes less engine power available. 216. To the Volunteers, such was simply unthinkable, and they had automatically assumed that the people thought likewise. 217. Juveniles 15 and older committing rape or forcible assault are named prominently in offenses automatically transferred to adult court. 218. The top 50 in the Sony Rankings as of December 31 should automatically receive invitations to the next season's four Majors. 219. He had turned automatically so he could offer her the good side of his face. 220. The behaviourist approach is repetition and the drilling to the point where the student automatically makes the correct response. 221. The refrigerator-freezer switched automatically between electricity and propane for optimal operation. 222. Only nations that reduce their budget deficits to 3 percent of gross domestic product and accumulated debt to 60 percent automatically qualify. 223. If you are currently receiving a Rate rebate you will automatically be assessed for Poll Tax Benefit. 224. The mayor does not automatically become Lord Mayor for that is the subject of a further grant from the Crown. 225. Maternity pay - 90 percent of the employee's usual wages for a six-week period - unfortunately does not come automatically. 226. A better description of its use is that it automatically loose feeds the swim with a high degree of accuracy and efficiency. 227. FamiJy coverage was only for heads of household, he said, and women were automatically assumed not to qualify. 228. In this sense, the use of float is automatically optimized on a continuous basis. 229. That does not automatically mean that his character is equally reliable. 230. She makes painting an oil look so easy that the student will automatically start believing he will be capable of the same. 231. That said, do not be fooled into thinking that the Internet-only breed will automatically offer higher rates. 232. And high temperatures automatically followed, since the whole process was nothing more than a large explosion, albeit a controlled one. 233. If they are allowed automatically to keep them, this becomes a major barrier to new entry. 234. Adaptation to a culture does not mean automatically assuming all the values of the culture. 235. Hazardous materials should be provided in such a way that the appropriate protective clothing should automatically be provided. 236. It is often said that penalties automatically follow when blood appears following a facial attack, but this is an over-simplification. 237. Yet it does not automatically follow that last week's decision by a federal judge to close Napster was the right one. 238. When the Supreme Court declares a state law unconstitutional, similar statutes in other states are not automatically voided. 239. The clearing banks used to change their interest rates on advances and deposits automatically by the same amount that Bank rate changed. 240. He automatically steps into the room, casting a melodramatic look over his shoulder.