full-time造句61, After a period of full-time child-care, many women return to paid employment on a part-time basis.
62, I am currently working as a temp, so any contributions to the fund will be minimal until I find full-time employment.
63, But it needed a full-time crammer to get you there and you're still below average.
64, Today's world-class athlete no longer needs to have a full-time job to support his or her athletics.
65, If you have a full-time Internet connection, as growing numbers of people do at work, PointCast works seamlessly.
66, Gavin, since been dismissed by local government union Nalgo, was a full-time union official representing thousands of council employees.
67, Many daughters who are caring full-time for a parent or parents at home have financial worries too.
68, Full-time employment in December rose slightly to 6. 28 million, from 6. 27 million in November.
69, The second important trend has been the slight narrowing of the differentials between male and female workers in full-time occupation.
70, The team consists of two full-time social workers and one half-time, in addition to a team-leader who carries a caseload.
71, Women with dependent children are less likely to have full-time jobs but more likely to have part-time jobs, than women without.
72, The Act gives protection, if sometimes uncertain protection, to most full-time workers living in agricultural tied cottages.
73, Student Stand-by Scheme For certain events substantial discounts will apply to full-time students only.
74, They were involved in full-time evangelistic work before this and already had considerable experience of mission and church work.
75, Sir Adrian utterly rejects the definition of work as full-time employment.
76, In practice much of the initiation and review of management policy fell to the four full-time members acting with the chief officers.
77, Although recently the Association has been enabled to take on some 250 full-time archaeologists, there is still an acute shortage.
78, Since 1985, she has quit two full-time jobs because her net pay was less than her welfare check.
79, The school had the equivalent of two full-time secondments available through the Sheffield school focused development programme.
80, After successfully qualifying, two people were advised by members of their own profession to do full-time voluntary work.
81, All seven have full-time jobs but all have been averaging about 50 miles a week in training recently.
82, Meanwhile there is increasing acceptance that the task of representing a constituency can fairly be considered to constitute a full-time job.
83, The evidence does not appear to confirm this, especially in the case of full-time male workers.
84, Allowing for this element means that the average income from farming per full-time equivalent may be about £9,000 perannum.
85, The Aladdin was always busy, and employed three full-time barmen.
86, Opportunities are also available for those who wish to pursue higher diplomas and degrees in a full-time or part-time capacity.
87, The financial constraints on wives are also not so serious, as an increasing proportion of married women are in full-time work.
88, Full-time employment may be less of a deterrent to childbearing if mothers can pay for personal child care.
89, The fee is £10 or £6 for full-time students, the retired or benefit claimants.
90, Before they became redundant some three years earlier, all of them had been economically active and in full-time employment.