realm造句61. Undoubtedly the most modern method devised to preserve human bodies might well be said to belong to the realm of science fiction.
62. All of the Princes and Dukes of this realm are mages of awesome power.
63. History is the realm of violence and war; it constitutes another form by which the other is appropriated into the same.
64. Not only are aitches dropped, appalling vocals now reign virtually supreme in the realm of pronunciation.
65. Jarmila Kratochvilova and her teammates enter the athletic realm on male terms.
66. Here we are not in the realm of childhood behaviour but we are in the realm of play.
67. In the realm of secret diplomacy it would appear that public opinion had only a very minor role to play.
68. The philosophical underpinnings of creation science automatically place it in a very different realm from natural science.
69. Since when has this conflict been outside the realm of the United Nations?
70. Did this mean that Aquitaine was going to be permanently subordinated to the ruler of the Anglo-Norman realm?
71. And it is not some realm of pure mathematics, which is in itself a mere abstraction.
72. After years of fiscal gloom, they hope Brown will bring his political clout to the corporate realm.
73. And their bets paid off big, from the high-tech realm of computers to the low-tech business of making mortgage loans.
74. The physical realm is the realm of contingent, temporal, concrete and fuzzy particulars.
75. Though he was not yet prepared to admit it, he had tried and failed to enter the realm of marriage.
76. Given all this, however, the successors of Ecgfrith preserved and maintained a secure realm within what were still wide-ranging frontiers.
77. Omnipresence was only one of several attributes that tipped him over into the realm of the superhuman.
78. Naturally, neoclassical economists will stand aghast at what they regard as an unwarranted political intrusion into the realm of positive economics.
79. The mainland of Yvresse lies along the eastern coast of Ulthuan but the realm also encompasses the islands of the Eastern Ocean.
80. The Texas Supreme Court will consider a case next month that could seal another entire realm of information: district attorney files.
81. I see three important constituent elements of the digital realm becoming more evident every day: malleability, anonymity and connectivity.
82. Word processing on the Macintosh has always bordered on the realm of page makeup and recent announcements here only serve that view.
83. The Old World was saved and the Realm of Chaos shrank away to the north.
84. Even within the realm of economics, there are clear benefits and costs to either course of action.
85. Meanwhile, its conventional forces are plenty good enough to banish the nuclear option to the realm of the theoretical.
86. Between them, Parliament and the King enacted, in the form of statutes, the highest laws of the realm.
87. The emperor had begun to think polytheistic cult a veneration of evil spirits and therefore perhaps a danger to his realm.
88. First, in talking of adding all truths at once we seem to have moved firmly into the realm of fiction.
89. It would be up to the scientists to decide which is the viable option and which belongs to the realm of science fiction.
90. In the public realm Christians identified themselves almost without reservation with the political and social order of the Roman empire.