pursuit造句61. Therefore in the pursuit of such a union, Community Regional Policy must be effective in promoting balanced development.
62. He would chase after them with me in hot pursuit, so he had to go back.
63. At the sight they forgot the goddess and turned in pursuit of the beautiful creature.
64. Then he dedicated his life to music and the pursuit of women, and we found we had things in common.
65. The developer may follow a number of different avenues in his pursuit for suitable land.
66. The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge.Napoleon Hill
67. Speed of pursuit and a surprise attack gave Abram victory.
68. A voracious reader, Vea is adamant about the pursuit of writing excellence.
69. Much as she resented her all-out pursuit of Roman, Dana was the sister she had loved all her life.
70. Our belief is not a belief. Our principles are not a faith. We do not rely soley upon science and reason, because these are necessary rather than sufficient factors, but we distrust anything that contradicts science or outrages reason. We may differ on many things, but what we respect is free inquiry, openmindedness, and the pursuit of ideas for their own sake.Christopher Hitchens
71. The only thing that belongs to us is our life. Yet, we waste it in the pursuit of meaningless things that will never belong to us.RVM
72. But in avid pursuit of the lowest common denominator, Fox became a catalyst in the coarsening of popular culture.
73. The very radical autonomy of modernist cultural forms makes their social or social-historical explanation an extremely difficult pursuit.
74. I know of no pursuit in which more real and important services can be rendered to any country than by improving its agriculture, its breed of useful animals, and other branches of a husbandman's cares.George Washington
75. There is a story told in his otherwise unrevealing autobiography which nicely illuminates the practical side of this pursuit of goodness.
76. It seems that our pursuit of happiness is proving to be much more radical than we bargained for.
77. She is in constant pursuit of ways in which to accentuate male sexuality and to provide men with comfortable clothes.
78. But the Tories will continue to crucify manufacturing industry, in pursuit of an absurdly high parity in the Exchange Rate Mechanism.
79. The pursuit of profits and the social interest are therefore coincident.
80. They threw bodies forward in an increasingly desperate pursuit of the equaliser, but Thompson's fierce angled drive settled the issue.
81. Elizabeth goes in mocking pursuit with the husband in this comedy of manners.
82. The Sword Masters are warrior-ascetics who dedicate their lives to the pursuit of wisdom and learning carefully controlled violence.
83. The pursuit of truth will set you free; even if you never catch up with it.Clarence Darrow
84. It is whether the pursuit of justice, fairness and efficiency can also deliver belonging, cohesion and community.
85. But Giap taught them to move during rainstorms to deter pursuit, or wade through streams to cover their tracks.
86. For others, the central concern is the pursuit of audiences and the dilemmas that brings with it.
87. The reason, several people said, is that nobody saw a political benefit in further pursuit of criminal charges against Clinton.
88. To see how men began to entertain values and engage in the pursuit of excellence we need additional sources of information.
89. Millions of acres of tropical forest have been cleared in the pursuit of cheaper beef for hamburgers.
90. The legitimate pursuit of competing interests can balance and preserve social and organisational arrangements.