wildlife造句121. Discarded lead shot, lead weights and fishing lines can all adversely affect wildlife.
122. It also aims to preserve wildlife habitat and agricultural land.
123. The new hospital will care for the annual 3,000 or so wildlife casualties in the area.
124. Their destinations are often countries which have excellent weather, beautiful beaches and scenery and abundant wildlife, but few other resources.
125. Contrary to popular belief, the Australian desert is often full of wildlife.
126. The island of Angistri went up in flames within minutes of being declared a wildlife refuge.
127. This particular urban wildlife corridor is slated to be bulldozed, Jimerfield says.
128. The problem with ecotourism is that it relies on wildlife sightings for much of its excitement, says Judy Waytiuk.
129. He had a deep knowledge of the habits of all the local wildlife and an uncanny knack of befriending them.
130. Cotswold Wildlife Park has had particular success in breeding hornbills.
131. The Forestry Commission has deliberately left areas of older woodland for their wildlife value, so concentrate your observations here.
132. The idea is to establish a network of hedges across Britain, as corridors for wildlife.
133. Railway lines channel wildlife into the city centre along their cuttings and embankments.
134. Staff at St Tiggywinkles say the holiday season is bad news for wildlife because it means more cars in the countryside.
135. Suburban gardens can provide habitats for many forms of wildlife.
136. They are extraordinary plumes, and they certainly altered the face of international wildlife conservation.
137. The region also has one of the largest concentrations of wildlife in the world.
138. Read in studio Fifteen fox cubs have been handed into the care of a Wildlife Rescue Centre.
139. Wildlife in the Soviet Union is exploited in all manner of ways.
140. The introduction to this book said that the Himalayas have formed an impassable barrier in the distribution of Eastern wildlife.
141. Much of our wildlife is gone, and rural landscapes impoverished.
142. Today he uses the Catalina bighorns in his classes, as a graphic example of how not to manage wildlife.
143. But hares were declining before paraquat was introduced, and the effects of agricultural chemicals on wildlife are notoriously difficult to assess.
144. Although the wheel has gone, the millpond is well maintained and is home to a great assortment of wildlife.
145. A place for all kinds of wildlife to stop off and drink, it will attract them like a magnet.
146. Patrol officer Bob Edwards says heavy wash from cabin cruisers can kill young ducklings and harm other wildlife.
147. They were a hazard to human health and to wildlife on land and sea.
148. The grazing marshes adjacent to the river are an important wildlife habitat.
149. Strong science-based strategies for wildlife conservation have emerged over the last one hundred years.
150. The real price though, has been paid by the wildlife which once lived in Cannop brook.