anxious造句211. Stiff and inelegant, she followed him, more anxious than ever in her life to please.
212. There may be nervousness at night, trembling limbs, though not as anxious as Aconite.
213. She grew up fearful of authority and anxious to comply with it.
214. The government is anxious to allay public fears over the safety of beef.
215. And, indeed, she was more than anxious to do what she could to help look after the twins.
216. Their anxious faces were hidden behind dark glasses - in case the people holding Ben should recognise them.
217. I knew Janir was anxious about having his friends see her like this, with her fringed scarf and wild look.
218. Public schools were probably the greatest victims of the asbestos hoax because of understandable concerns raised by anxious parents.
219. She knew it was a simple operation, but she still felt anxious.
220. They are anxious to belong, and it shows in their tastes, dress and habits.
221. But Roy had thrown away his script, and he spent an anxious plane journey trying to remember his lines.
222. The local party leaders, anxious to rock no ideological boats in the unstable times, left them alone.
223. After an anxious wait, Audrey was told her father had died.
224. Station-masters and conductors were also anxious to emphasize their exalted positions.
225. His health being delicate, Sir Christopher is anxious for him to marry and so sends him off to Bath.
226. The Opposition was also anxious to embarrass the Government, and to trap it within its own latent inconsistencies.
227. Although the first hurdle had been passed, she was still anxious for him to go.
228. And she was none too anxious to hear about the show.
229. Some one with early stages of brain failure can be very aware of it, and anxious about what is happening to him/her.
230. But the scientific doubts were swept aside amid pleas from anxious patients.
231. Police were anxious to avoid any ugly scenes when the two boys made their first appearance in court nine days ago.
232. Hugh Fraser predictably had been most anxious to join his friend and colleague in the dock.
233. The last time she had walked down this lane she had been too anxious about Susan to notice very much.
234. They're particularly anxious to hear from 2 men seen near the shop on the night of the murder.
235. The leadership of the Democratic party was anxious for him to declare his intentions about running for the second term.
236. Locke is anxious to defend his political philosophy against the accusation that it encourages rebellion.
237. Threats, violence, kidnapping; enough to leave Prunella aghast and anxious.
238. We are also anxious to see marine nature conservation strengthened.
239. No one is more anxious that the penalties should be apt for the crime than those most immediately affected by prison disorder.
240. Landowners became anxious not just about the birds but about access to their habitat.