needle造句(211) It will wrap around this needle on the return journey.
(212) All moving parts, apart from the plain-bearing crankshaft, use needle roller bearings to help it rev freely.
(213) She felt a needle of annoyance goading her to retaliate.
(214) The tower is visible tens of miles away, a sharp white needle of stone thrusting into sky.
(215) This may be no more than a judgement of which line on a graduated scale a movable needle is nearest to.
(216) The appearance of clear cerebrospinal fluid in the needle hub confirmed correct placement of the needle in the lateral cerebral ventricle.
(217) Percutaneous fine needle aspiration cytology is, however, highly operator dependent.
(218) Needle insertion into the tender points was avoided in this study.
(219) The possible dissemination of tumour by percutaneous fine needle aspiration cytology may result in these becoming the diagnostic techniques of choice.
(220) It would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.
(221) Kits contain a full-colour printed canvas to make an eight-inch panel, wools, needle and instructions, and cost just £13.95.
(222) For a full needle tuck stitch garment then you can choose between a full needle rib or a 2x1 setting.
(223) Remove large debris and disperse the cells in the sucrose by gently stirring with the needle.
(224) You can sterilize a needle by holding it in a flame.
(225) In these patients two novel cytology methods, endobiliary biopsy and endobiliary fine needle aspiration, may be suitable.
(226) He knew it was a question of keeping a direction in your head, like a compass needle.
(227) A needle is inserted between two of your vertebrae after a local anaesthetic has been applied.
(228) Row 1: Bring needle from back to front of work through the stitch below the first stitch to be worked.
(229) Mr Davidson was battered to death while his daughter's eye was pierced with a knitting needle.
(230) Black politicians and community leaders who opposed needle exchanges claimed the programme was racist and genocidal.
(231) The purpose of this relief is to permit the bobbin case hook to pass the needle without touching it.
(232) They were like a needle stuck in a gramophone record, inexorably repeating embrace after embrace.
(233) I really believe I could have hit a mosquito in the eye with a pine needle at thirty paces.
(234) She struggled to find a vein to insert a needle for a transfusion.
(235) Pain; Soft tissue; Diathermy; Silver needle; Treatment outcome.
(236) Brass body; stainless steel needle; Buna-N seal.
(237) Ultrasound, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging may be used to help the physician guide the needle electrode into the tumor.
(238) Ppy-calcium phosphate coating was ordered array, needle shape and'coating grain was crassitude.
(239) Pls made 3 needle stitching with central needle in contrast color as at hem.
(240) She pass a thread through the eye of her needle.