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181. Most threatening of these for the marine ecosystem is the exposure to increased ultra-violet radiation through the depletion of the ozone layer. 182. Electrical equipment is a source of low radiation and it also releases chemicals when warm. 183. The device uses radiation to destroy tumors and vascular malformations with pinpoint accuracy. 184. Radiation is released during the handling and treatment of radioactive materials and as they are transported to and from nuclear sites. 185. The maximum and minimum radiation dose to the rectum was calculated in the plane of the planning slice for each patient. 186. Crop yields would fall as a result of shorter growing periods, and reduced solar radiation due to heavier cloud cover. 187. The mean time interval between completion of radiation treatment and surgery was 10 days. 188. The launcher for the medium-range version will incorporate a projector that produces a beam of infrared radiation. 189. Imagine an object at some definite temperature, electromagnetic radiation being in equilibrium with particles. 190. This leaves the problem of how to explain the microwave background radiation. 191. It has carried out a five-year study which it says shows no significant increase in radiation is reaching the earth's surface. 192. The 20 tonnes of lead in the batteries has been found to have an immeasurably low level of background radiation. 193. An ordinary body exposed to radiation absorbs some of it and reflects the rest. 194. A fishing boat is ignited by the intense radiation from the fireball. 195. Many organic binders contain molecules which fluoresce when excited by ultra-violet radiation. 196. In addition to cancer inductions, ionizing radiation may have significant effects on pre-natal development and on genetic or hereditary factors. 197. Whether or not a particular form of radiation has any effect on a living creature depends upon three factors. 198. The lamps emit ultra-violet radiation which has powerful cancer-causing abilities, according to a small pilot study on its effects on mice. 199. The amount of radiation that would have been needed to be effective would have caused intolerable brain damage. 200. The radiation would result in an orbiting electron losing energy and collapsing into the nucleus. 201. Both single large doses and fractionated doses of radiation have been shown to alter small intestinal motility in animals. 202. Radon exposure is the hottest issue among radiation scientists today - but it remains almost entirely unknown to the public. 203. Energy lost by electrons as they are evicted from their traps is emitted as light radiation and is termed thermoluminescence. 204. These minerals receive radiation both internally, from the ceramic, and externally, from the burial environment and cosmic rays. 205. Certainly both groups find that p53 levels rise following radiation, and this could specifically activate transcription of apoptosis-inducing genes. 206. This makes the sperm, like all rapidly developing cells, especially vulnerable to damage from chemicals or radiation. 207. Scientists can learn much about the nature of an object by studying the way it emits and absorbs light and other radiation. 208. Their cumulative effect would give rise to the microwave background radiation. 209. The survey also came up with 10 reported cases of cataracts, which can also be caused by radiation exposure. 210. Several tankers and a dozen freighters out to forty kilometers distance from ground zero are ignited by the radiation from the explosion.