overwhelming造句(151) Whenever I play the big cities now, the anticipation of coming home to the land is overwhelming.
(152) The scene at St. John's hospital was equally overwhelming.
(153) "The response has been overwhelming," Hiroshi Kobayashi, deputy chief operating officer for Honda's domestic operations, told a small group of reporters at a test-drive event in Tokyo.
(154) The city's overwhelming French influence in apparent in its mansard roofs, iron balconies, sidewalk cafes, and French signs.
(155) Miller's direct front, left, and right were fighting in defilade and possessed ample cover and concealment necessary for the employment of overwhelming fires on the totally exposed patrol.
(156) Yet the Chinese are not necessarily prisoners of their past and they have overwhelming economic reasons to seek a political modus vivendi with America.
(157) As you might expect, it's my-- I have overwhelming confidence in the capabilities of the American people.
(158) In 2009, I produced a study on the overwhelming success of drug decriminalization in Portugal, published by the CATO Institute.
(159) On this one slope where I rest, the diversity of living forms is overwhelming in its detail and unlikeliness .
(160) Septic shock often follows a bacterial infection, and is characterized by the overwhelming release of pro-inflammatory cytokines by the body's immune system.
(161) Among the millions with hourly earnings at or below the minimum wage level, the overwhelming majority are from multiple-earner, relatively affluent families.
(162) One would have to completely disregard such overwhelming evidence to the contrary that it would be tantamount to intellectual suicide.
(163) Come the holidays,[http:///overwhelming.html] parents overcompensate for kids having so much free time by overwhelming them with activities.
(164) Critics in Congress and elsewhere faulted the Court's opinion for acknowledging "the overwhelming weight of international opinion" against capital punishment for under-age criminals.
(165) In the face of overwhelming evidence, I admit I'm wrong. Trying to justify the Chinese MSN word blocker is one of the more boneheaded things I've done.
(166) The quota is full due to overwhelming response. Successful registrants will receive an email confirmation from us on or before 29 Sep.
(167) The best alleviation for overwhelming evils is to endure and bow to necessity .
(168) While Diener said a few studies he reviewed found the opposite, the "overwhelming majority ... support the conclusion that happiness is associated with health and longevity."
(169) That's an overwhelming increase in the need for automotive fuel.
(170) I think that liberal democracy, at least as we understand the idea here in the United States, requires that the overwhelming preponderance of the people be law-abiding.
(171) Stephen Lawrence and James Bulger were both included because of the "overwhelming soul-searching and examination of education and social policy" which followed their deaths.
(172) In the meantime HMS Cockchafer sat at Wanhsien in an uneasy standoff with the overwhelming Chinese troops.
(173) The overwhelming reason younger white-collar workers leave their jobs is not because their salaries are too low but because they see no career paths there.
(174) An overwhelming majority, almost regardless of backgrounds and religious convictions(2), think angels are real, according to an AP-AOL News poll exploring attitudes about angels.
(175) As an important virus disease of Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDY) wheat yellow dwarf disease has become a global problem due to overwhelming infections and severe reductions in yield.
(176) For all its overwhelming industrial and mercantile dominance, the United States remained a tenth-rate military power (except for its navy) until galvanized by Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor.
(177) Thanks partly to the overwhelming dominance of English across North America, labour mobility in the US is between three and 30 times greater than in Europe, depending on how it is measured.
(178) When the society is full of the sentiment of relative deprivation and social conformity, legal culture is absent, and particularism is overwhelming, motivations for corruption are likely to grow.
(179) The most probable number (MPN) measurement showed that the overwhelming quantity of nitrosobacteria immobilized on biofilm was the main reason for stable and high nitrite accumulation in the reactor.
(180) Convoy Client Seminar is full due to overwhelming response. Thank you for your support!