separation造句91. But was this some kind of hangover from that early separation experience?
92. Separation gives us so much else, for it turns part of our minds into a sanctuary.
93. Often the first separation was literal, through hospital isolation and quarantine, practices firmly established during the 1916 polio epidemic.
94. The double standard of morality relied upon this separation between the public and the private.
95. He did not say so, but I presumed that a mutual friend had told him about my separation and divorce.
96. Rough, because of the emotional issues of separation and abandonment and being uprooted.
97. She had seen her general practitioner a week after the separation and he had prescribed a tranquillizer.
98. Separation of the components on or in the stationary phase by a continuous flow of the mobile phase.
99. Six simulation runs were thus possible, with two train crossing times for each of the three vehicle separation times.
100. The Air National Guard said its planes more than exceeded the minimum required separation of 1, 000 feet in altitude.
101. This separation from the mainstream arts community is the first stage towards true integration.
102. To public administrators and political scientists the word accountability generally relates to the separation of power and responsibility.
103. With the separation and distinction, light and life can make an entrance.
104. Many of those who constitute it would adhere to a world-renouncing ethnic based on a doctrine of separation from the world.
105. Barn interiors were generally open from end to end - there was no physical separation of the threshing floor from the bays.
106. New York and Detroit will come up with an attractive separation package, you can be sure of that.
107. The separation between the entryway and the living room can be further accentuated by placing a screen near the doorway.
108. Regulation ought to involve precise definition and separation of wastes into hazardous and non-hazardous, or different levels of hazard.
109. They weld together mineral grains of radically different compositions and properties, rendering most techniques of mineral separation and enrichment ineffectual.
110. The biggest problem for Stokes will be getting separation on Sanders while running his routes.
111. This distinction reflects the separation of the state from the individual in a liberal society.
112. The idea of the separation of powers also seems to influence Dicey's belief that Parliamentary sovereignty favours the supremacy of law.
113. Diana and Charles were divorced last year after a long, bitter separation.
114. It violated the essence of the principle of the separation of governmental powers.
115. Meanwhile, biophysicist Professor H. Ti Trien and his team have been trying to mimic photosynthesis, in particular the charge separation step.
116. The only solid and lasting peace between a man and his wife is, doubtless, a separation.Lord Chesterfield
117. A person bereft by permanent loss or separation feels this range of emotion multiplied many times.
118. However, the physical separation, differences in jargon, and differences in mode of operation present yet a third communication gap.
119. A swift wartime courtship, a deep passionate love of a few weeks, then marriage, separation and death.
120. This separation creates inevitable tensions between the team and the consultant, which are inimical to good multidisciplinary work.