ideology造句31. At another level this also happens when we commit ourselves to a particular religion or ideology.
32. He must not only distinguish behaviour from ideology, he must also take careful note of just how they are interrelated.
33. The underlying premise of the global market ideology is that every country will earn most of its income from exports.
34. Something about the ideology of the cancer cell, wasn't it?
35. The central committee ideology department accused Kharchev of unnecessary interference in the internal affairs of churches and of financial indiscipline.
36. This was indeed the origin of the concept of ideology and the thesis of social determination.
37. Its historical importance in the development of modern ideology has come from its unique claim to explain experience, however eccentrically.
38. But on the other hand[/ideology.html], this respectable ideology was deeply rooted in the general experience of working-class life.
39. The decreasing leverage of the state allowed capital greater influence over production, credit and ideology.
40. Likewise she argued that the feminist versions of Althusserian concepts of ideology overemphasised textuality at the expense of social and economic analysis.
41. Religion or ideology is not morality. Morality resides in human conscience and spiritual feelings.Dr T.P.Chia
42. It is at least likely that they did in fact fail to keep their ideology to themselves.
43. He, and the leaders of the extremist parties in coalition with him, are motivated primarily by ideology.
44. Fourthly, ideology legitimizes social relations and covers over contradictions in the material relations of social being.
45. For them, too, it is simply ideology and false consciousness.
46. In this sense, the ideology allows for the possibility of an implicit, internalized dialectic.
47. He thus diagnoses a crisis of legal ideology and democratic theory.
48. There was a clear link with past practices of fitting the ideology to the needs of the state rather than its constituent members.
49. Both the bourgeois ideology and the proletarian false consciousness are products of particular social relations present in capitalism.
50. In its triumphant heyday, the Thatcher coalition was held together both by ideology and by interest.
51. Paradoxically, community councils are an insidious form of planning since they stem indirectly from the dominant ideology.
52. Their purpose is to activate local debate but on terms laid down by the dominant ideology.
53. To last for very long any social system needs to be buttressed by a powerful integrating ideology.
54. Royal Ideology Gregory was not greatly impressed by most of the sons and grandsons of Clovis, but there were exceptions.
55. The agendas of the press and the Republican electorate diverge dramatically during primary season, but not because of ideology.
56. The revolutionary Marxist ideology adopted by the intelligentsia began to merge with the working-class movement.
57. At the congress the party formally abandoned its Marxist-Leninist ideology and endorsed a multiparty democratic system.
58. Art schools have been forced into the commercial ideology of Toryism.
59. Poulantzas' explanation gives a key role to the relation between the capitalist state and capitalist ideology.
60. The issue at stake is the relationship between literature and ideology.