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211. As mayor, he was chief pedagogue, urging bogotanos not to run red lights, dump litter or beat their wives, sometimes dressing up as "Super Citizen" in spandex to get the message across. 212. Watch and learn from our expert how to add the cake mix to your dump cake ingredients in the pan in this free cooking video on making chicken and rice with dump cake. 213. Under his leadership, the reporters came to the floor, though, found here refuse piles, sewage crosscurrent . like a rubbish dump. 214. The vessel is an unmanned dump barge suitably equipped for carrying deck cargo for Unrestricted services. 215. If you take this principle and want to go even a bit further, you could take the returned NodeList and iterate through it, and dump the results into a Java List. 216. We spent the day hauling off junk to the City dump. 217. This article gives instructions on how to collect data to debug the core dump problem. 218. Previously, the application would not have detected this error until execution, producing error messages and a storage dump. 219. I am testing a crash dump by TOC (Transfer of Control). 220. The central bank swaps facilities are meant to ease fears of a dollar shortage as investors dump riskier assets and move back into the U.S. dollar. 221. Three government workers labored to fill a dump truck with freshly cut trees over the holiday weekend — clearing just a portion of a single city block would be an all-day affair. 222. The full text total cent four-part cent, in chapter 1 introduction dump and anti - dumping theories basis. 223. One tipster told the tech blog Boing Boing that he was "told by a friend" that slaughterhouses in Iraq sometimes dump blood in canals. 224. When Greenpeace called for a boycott of Shell in 1995 because of its plans to dump an oil platform at the bottom of the Atlantic, its sales plummeted. 225. As her poor little body was being moved, a worn and crumpled red purse was found which seemed to have been rummaged from some trash dump. 226. The process of dump bioleaching of secondary copper sulfide as chalcocite and covelite includes two stages, in the first stage, the leaching speed is faster than that in the second stage. 227. In Lotus Notes/Domino 6.x, ADC collects a hard-coded list of files that includes the NSD output, console log, and memory dump. 228. Two main types of analysis function are provided by this tool: single memory dump analysis and comparative analysis. 229. jextract produces a ZIP file that includes the original core dump, a processed representation of the dump, the Java executable, and the libraries used by the java process. 230. Given that jextract can consume significant CPU cycles processing the dump, this might be unacceptable in some production systems. 231. The waste - dump of surface mine is one of main environment damage sources. 232. Major element, rare-earth element (REE), trace element and heavy metal geochemical analyses were performed on the waste rock dump of the Taojiang manganese deposit. 233. The first scavengers one sees in Cambalache, a sprawling trash dump on the edge of Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela, are the vultures. 234. The Fed delivered a huge data dump today, revealing information about the boatload of loans it made during and after the financial crisis. 235. Images of children scavenging the local garbage dump for food lent urgency to the Rotarians'efforts. 236. These companies planned to dump the waste water into Ottawa River. 237. System dump or core dump is the most expensive dump, but also the most complete. 238. He has become their unofficial science teacher and takes them on unusual field trips to places like a toilet-paper plant, an aircraft carrier, and even the city dump for Seattle's East Side. 239. Gordon: He is a stud. He would dump you after one night. 240. Another 50 - megawatt landfill gas plant sits atop another gigantic dump in Incheon, South Korea.