快好知 kuaihz

61. Comparison with the director's earlier movies seems inevitable. 62. When you're in a defence industry that is inevitable. 63. I sighed and bowed to the inevitable. 64. But it's also part of inevitable human evolution. 65. And there were inevitable structural constraints built in. 66. Berret and his companions repaired to the scene of the crime for the inevitable measuring and taking of statements. 67. Felt was an almost inevitable consequence of keeping woolly sheep. 68. The next step is inevitable, and the only thing that matters now is to choose the right moment. 69. Finally, restricting has the inevitable consequence of spreading unhealthy fear throughout an organization. 70. Important though it may be. its disappearance becomes inevitable from the day on which the established order crumbles. 71. Mark lashed the windmill to the inevitable bamboo pole, and we tried propping it near the stern. 72. Constraints of finance, manpower and time all conspire to limit what may be achieved, and compromises are inevitable. 73. Why do such variations occur? To what extent are they inevitable? 74. Most stockbroking analysts believe it inevitable that the troubled electronics group will be taken over. 75. The Government bowed to the inevitable after other countries threatened to outvote it. 76. But a come for an eventual second runway has whipped up the inevitable storm of controversy among local residents. 77. It was inevitable that spiritual power should devolve on the urban temples. 78. It is the irreconcilable contradiction inevitable in humanism because of its false assumptions in constructing a world-view. 79. Lying is a way of life- – lying is inevitable in everyday life. Lying is a conscious attempt of the mind to protect ourselves, or to advance our self- interest, by distorting the truth or telling deceptive falsehoods.Dr T.P.Chia 80. Most members of the European diplomatic community have already left the country as war now seems inevitable. 81. The inevitable scientific brouhaha proceeded, but this time it took on an angry timbre that no one would have predicted. 82. It is inevitable that, once again, we have lost contact with some members - about 1% of the membership. 83. So Mrs Clinton could enter and exit without walking before the inevitable crowds of reporters and photographers. 84. Perhaps it is the inevitable curiosity summoned by one of the most bizarre and unnerving crimes of the century. 85. These are the inevitable results of leaving the merit of a book to be determined exclusively by market value. 86. This knowledge brings solace, because the organization is familiar with the inevitable consequences and believes it can effectively deal with them. 87. She was vulnerable, still, after years of inevitable disappointments, years of failure. 88. He returned briefly to the Commonwealth's service, but retired when the Restoration became inevitable and procured a royal pardon. 89. It was also inevitable that such an innovator would come from within the industry and be fully conversant with all its conventions. 90. It seemed inevitable that he would take the bait that had been laid out in the Park for him.