快好知 kuaihz

61, Instead, Mr Choyce implants a delicate lens between the lens of the eye and the cornea. 62, That's a normal wide-angle lens favoured by many for general use. 63, Each spectacle lens then filters one image out, based on its color or polarity. 64, He had a momentary glimpse of himself from above, as if through a camera lens. 65, These fall into the category of superior quality in the lens and the shutter operation. 66, Amongst these are contact lens wetting solutions, comfort drops and artificial tears, which, perhaps surprisingly, have similar compositions. 67, The camera lens, of course, has its own inherent limitations. 68, The Health Secretary posed for the lens of the famous photographer of beautiful women, Terry O'Neill. 69, Nikon use an optical zoom lens that has a 2.5x range. 70, The Galaxy was high in the sky and its misty lens shape stretched lazily from horizon to horizon. 71, Everything about the schools was viewed through the lens of progressive education. 72, First, insects have compound eyes consisting of up to several thousand optical units called ommatidia, each with a single lens. 73, The lens may go opaque from cataracts, or it may darken so that it needs more light. 74, I then got a bad infection in my left eye which my doctor suggested was due to the contact lens. 75, They both show us a topsy-turvy world, a world turned inside-out by the particular lens through which it is viewed. 76, But in infant monkeys wearing an opaque contact lens, this changes. 77, He gazed up at Cornelius through the unfractured lens of his spectacles. 78, Viewed through this ideological lens, all of nature appeared to yield to the triumphant structure of knowledge that was modern science. 79, It was hard to believe twelve stones and I tried to clean the lens. 80, We've got a painting of Parsons here somewhere, a miniature done by another member of the club called Peter Lens. 81, These two distinct types of lens source have always coexisted; it is the balance between they that has changed. 82, The camera has a 32mm glass lens, and its automatic shutter allows you to take photos in near-darkness without a flash. 83, This style of lens is designed to give optimum performance at the widest aperture. 84, The action brought him round further, still shut off from outside contact, apart from the view through the lens. 85, So, says Daedalus. imagine a Cexspex lens exposed to a bright directional beam of light. 86, Some fixed lens cameras have a maximum and minimum focus, and might restrict the maximum depth you can dive to. 87, When you looked through the jar filled with water, you were looking through a magnifying lens. 88, A sniper with a high-powered rifle and a telescopic lens scans the area for snakes and alligators. 89, By grafting in another eyecup another lens can be induced to form from the overlying layer. 90, The slopes were gentle and convex like the outer optic of a huge fish-eye lens.