swallow造句 151. Since China made its final decision at 8 pm November 11,2005, the five mascots-the olympic flame, the fish, the panada, the Tibetan antelope and the swallow have become very popular. 152. The storm never let up , continuing to swallow everything with smothering force. 153. It is believed that a black hole can swallow up any objects like stars near it. 154. He had a sore throat and found it difficult to swallow. 155. The tremendous rye bread, which is hard to swallow only once.英文造句pot roastelectroacousticfield guntacomalife principleto the questiondepend upon itnectariferousjihadisqueeze fora point of viewtwirlerstraight-backedprovisional sumprivate-enterprisemargatebrigadier generalfloreycancuninchonIRMprimary cellpippysalicinThe end justifies the meansfield glassservice engineerfieldworkermarket clearing