快好知 kuaihz

241. The Van Gogh holds the world auction price record of $ 82.5m. 242. Armed men in ski masks crept up on the van and raked it with gunfire. 243. A uniformed doorman smiled in welcome and confirmed Miss van Ryneveld was expecting her. 244. He obtained the keys of a van and drove to see her and the twins were born later the same day. 245. Jason Walczewski, 22, smashed into the van in the eastbound lanes of Interstate 196 on Sunday night. 246. The vehicle was involved in an accident in which the plaintiff's van was damaged. 247. The police were dragging out the screens from their van, ready to enclose the scene of crime. 248. They were found in a van used by the cleaners. 249. Ah said Mr van der Luyden, drawing a deep breath. 250. At First Avenue the crosswalk is blocked by a Con Ed van and an open manhole cover encircled by yellow rubber cones. 251. One of the returnees, Nguyen Van Khang, was detained on arrival in Hanoi for allegedly stealing state property. 252. Sixteen bullets tore into the van, killing Durell and a consulate secretary, and wounding a third employee. 253. It's the second time van driver Martin Clarke has been convicted of drink-driving. 254. Brenda cycled along the lane towards Stowbridge that morning to meet Daddy in his new van. 255. She hurried downstairs and saw Sam Morgan standing beside the van, smiling at her encouragingly.