Roman造句61. Many Roman Catholics regret the replacing of the Latin mass by the vernacular.
62. The book is extremely informative about life in Roman times.
63. The division between the two great branches of the Christian Church, Protestantism and Roman Catholicism, no longer seems unbridgeable.
64. Roman soldiers received a salt allowance, called salarium, the origin of the word salary.
65. The Gothic people who overwhelmed the Roman Empire migrated from the East.
66. A lucky find in the Cotswolds is helping archaeologists discover what life was like in Roman Britain.
67. The ancient Britons inhabited these parts of England before the Roman invasion.
68. The Roman Catholic Church has issued a compendium of its teachings.
69. In Roman times November was a month of hard work in ploughing and sowing.
70. The Synod's declarations prevailed de jure but not de facto in the Roman Catholic Church down to the Reformation era.
71. After looking at the jug, Faulkner concurred that it was late Roman, third or fourth century.
72. Roman vessels used to sail with the tide from Boulogne to Richborough.
73. The foundations are Roman, but the rest of the building is of more recent date.
74. He made a drawing of how the Roman villa must have looked.
75. She has taken part in several excavations of Roman settlements across Europe.
76. Brutus declaimed from the steps of the Roman senate building.
77. The city of Tours can trace its roots back to Roman times.
78. The old Roman walls may still be seen but not in their integrity.
79. The Roman Empire was divided in the fourth century AD.
80. They were thrilled to discover a perfectly preserved specimen of Roman pottery.
81. The above definition is set in roman ; this example is in italics.
82. It requires a strong effort of historical imagination to understand the Roman attitude to death.
83. The house was built in imitation of a Roman villa.
84. Last weekend the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland held a conference, attended by 450 delegates.
85. Roman Catholics go to confession to be cleansed of their sins.
86. The Roman remains are now covered over by office buildings.
87. By the 5th century, the power of the Roman Empire was on the wane.
88. This was once a Roman road in days of yore.
88.try its best to gather and build good sentences.
89. The cult of the Roman emperor was sacrilege to Jews and Christians.
90. Tom followed the track that leads to the old Roman road.