greatly造句211. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
212. Spiers was an unassuming and kindly man, whose painstaking scholarship was greatly admired by those who knew him.
213. I have combined here details from three programs that I know and whose directors, students, and ex-students I admire greatly.
214. We greatly appreciate the interest she is showing in our work and will value her professional guidance. 5.
215. A friend, whom 1 admire greatly, was hospitalized after a heart attack.
216. Although fat ingestion only slightly affects cholesterol levels, both the triglyceride and lipoprotein electrophoresis results are greatly affected.
217. It should also be noted that many of these issues have not greatly exercised the academic community in this country.
218. Tone greatly aids the researchers' understanding of Creole grammar, which appears less simple than was thought.
219. Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.Robert F. Kennedy
220. Clever use of make-up can greatly enhance your appearance and leading make-up artist Teresa Fairminer will give you expert advice.
221. The tendency to make this adjustment, either deliberately or more often unconsciously, is not greatly different for different political groups.
222. But their ability to extract carotenoids from their food and deliver it to their tissues is greatly affected by certain parasites.
223. The nature of this will vary greatly depending on a rose's ancestry, while its appreciation is a very personal matter.
224. Her ability to keep the notoriously impatient monarch amused was greatly appreciated in royal circles.
225. But a chief from Puna who had greatly admired Naihe's surfing ability sent a servant to wake the sleeping chanter.
226. I greatly admire the former San Francisco mayor and legislator.
227. We also greatly appreciated the support of our sponsors without which the event could not have taken place.
228. A muddy bottom is greatly appreciated by all Bacopa species.
229. The King was greatly displeased by this suggestion and promptly adjourned the meeting.
230. Her own health suffered greatly, which caused Mozart much anxiety.
231. He was greatly cheered to find so many young architects designing the new classical buildings of which he so much approved.
232. The beautifully illuminated Gondola, which was so greatly admired a year ago, will recommence nightly voyages.
233. For some time now I have been greatly amused by Ian Wood's column in the back page.
234. He accepted that legalisation would not necessarily greatly increase addiction to hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin.
235. Colour is another important point to consider with fine hair, because it can greatly enhance its appearance.
236. Although plants vary so greatly in their shape, function and general appearance, the cellulose molecule is the same in all.
237. Had they done so they would certainly have greatly accelerated the rate at which they colonised the land.
238. They have no gills, but obtain their oxygen by absorbing it through the skin of their body and greatly enlarged tails.
239. My wife Kay recently acquired a disabled sticker for our car, and we found provision for disabled passengers greatly improved.
240. The general appearance of the area will be greatly improved, particularly benefiting those people located in the ground floor annexe.