reverse造句(1) Every medal has its reverse.
(2) Every mechanism has its reverse.
(3) His remarks were the reverse of complimentary.
(4) The government has failed to reverse the economic decline.
(5) Please reverse the positions of two pictures.
(6) Xerox set about a process of reverse engineering. It pulled the machines apart and investigated the Japanese factories to find out how they could pull off such feats.
(7) The new manager hoped to reverse the decline in the company's fortunes.
(8) Statistics showed a reverse trend to that recorded in other countries.
(9) It is sometimes possible to arrest or reverse the disease.
(10) The reverse side of the coin has a picture of a flower.
(11) This problem is the reverse of the previous one.
(12) The garage is open, so you can reverse in.
(13) The secret number is my phone number in reverse.
(14) Can anything be done to reverse this trend?
(15) Put the car in / into reverse.
(16) A skilful politician can always reverse any defeats.
(17) You should reverse the order of these pages.
(18) MPs hoped to reverse Britain's opt-out from the treaty.
(19) I twisted my head round to reverse the car.
(20) The winners were announced in reverse order .
(21) The superpowers are putting the arms race into reverse.
(22) Reverse the paper in the printer.
(23) I couldn't find reverse gear.
(24) Ambulances have 'AMBULANCE' printed in reverse on their bonnets.
(25) Property values have suffered another reverse.
(26) The wrong attitude will have exactly the reverse effect.
(27) The coin has a crowned lion on its reverse.
(28) Please reverse your examination paper.
(29) The results were read out in reverse order .
(30) If you tell children to do something, they will often do the exact reverse.