快好知 kuaihz

121. She bailed me up in the corridor and asked me for the money I owed her. 122. We could hear footsteps approaching down the corridor. 123. In the corridor the youngsters give a sarcastic cheer. 124. This industrial corridor connects Queretaro with Mexico City. 125. The corridor is devoted to old black-and-white photographs showing, in chronological order, the construction of the house. 126. Some one was coming along the corridor from the foyer. 127. The corridor walls are covered in photographs; barrel-bellied women with scrunched-up faces strain to deliver, post-birth beatific smiles radiate satisfaction. 128. At the stairs a short hall bisected the rectangular corridor, leading to the bathroom on the other side. 129. A light bobbed up and down further along the corridor, accompanied by the sound of running footsteps. 130. In the corridor, the objective correlative of pre-bedroom intimacy, the moment arrives. 131. Down the corridor, a bodyguard has opened a private door, leading directly to his three-room office complex. 132. The cell block stood just off the L-shaped charge room, a corridor almost completely without daylight. 133. His office was just along the corridor from where Wanless now sits in his ornately furnished chief executive's eyrie. 134. A couple of the doors further down the corridor were shut, and appeared to be locked. 135. The twin doors sighed open, and Manville stepped slowly out into the corridor. 136. Truly unaware, some brazenly buttoned their flies as they walked out of the lavatory into the corridor. 137. It wasn't much brighter than the corridor in there, for blinds were drawn on the two windows. 138. I moved down the corridor, as instructed, and rounded the elevators to the bank on the far side. 139. The corridor inside was a grey conduit for numerous pipes and fittings, lit by plain white bulbs. 140. Once properly tagged and escorted, the visitor passes the initial checkpoint and walks along a corridor into the Headquarters Building lobby. 141. One deputy, a former boxer, punched one of Mr Seselj's parliamentary critics unconscious in the corridor outside the chamber. 142. He moved down the corridor and around the corner, where two more armed guards stood, alert, against either wall. 143. She led them down a narrow corridor and into a comfortable lounge. 144. A young vicar and his wife, with matching haunted faces, wheel their beautiful chubby little daughter down the corridor. 145. Simon was sitting in the corridor outside the door to Jason's room, heartily asleep in an uncomfortable upright chair. 146. On the next floor lay their separate rooms, just along the corridor from each other, as Guido had already pointed out. 147. The next instant, dizzy with the excitement that possessed her, she was hurrying along the corridor towards his office. 148. Occasionally we would meet by accident in the corridor or at a bend in the stairs or out in the street. 149. This particular urban wildlife corridor is slated to be bulldozed, Jimerfield says. 150. Friends don't come back from the dead, Leila thought, rampaging through the corridor from the canteen.