curve造句(61) If any of these nonprice determinants of supply do in fact change, the location of the supply curve will be altered.
(62) But I am pretty sure that too many of us are puffing up the anaerobic learning curve just for the exercise.
(63) The problems are often more difficult but the learning curve is rapid.
(64) Join the highest point of each strip with a chalk line to form a curve.
(65) Elastic curve matching has also been applied to cursive script recognition.
(66) Businesses that want to stay ahead of the curve find trend research crucial.
(67) Just when you thought you had it all figured out, it threw you a curve like this.
(68) Like many new ventures, ProTech has had a steep learning curve.
(69) It just shows how desperate New Yorkers are to be ahead of the curve.
(70) It is therefore possible to measure around an armhole curve and compare the measurement with that of the sleeve head.
(71) If the values of c and v should lie above the curve in Fig. 3, no cycles will be generated at all.
(72) Rib chops are identified by the slightly curved rib bone and the presence of the rib-eye muscle outside of the curve.
(73) Incoherence, ugliness, and a steep learning curve were indicators that a machine was powerful.
(74) A correlation curve indicates the distance over which the motion at one point significantly affects that at another.
(75) Each curve of reduced modulus is shifted with respect to the curve at T o until all fit together forming one master curve.
(76) This will result in a downward displacement of the marginal cost curve from to.
(77) They were placed in a gentle curve, about twenty traps in all, facing the outgoing tide.
(78) About the time this outcry was gathering momentum, a curve ball landed like a left hook.
(79) Let us consider the one at 286 K. Along the curve from A to B the gas contracts as the pressure increases.
(80) The road climbed, kinked back on itself and started a sweeping curve around a nearly bare hill.
(81) The cures include starting the clubhead back low to the turf on a gentle curve.
(82) On a smooth curve, both the values and the slopes at neighbouring time points are close together.
(83) Referring back to the aggregate supply curve derivation in Fig. 10-5, it is that is usually attributed to the Keynesians.
(84) When a sample with an unknown level of that element is analysed its concentration can be plotted on the calibration curve.
(85) However, both will have started their long journey up the learning curve.
(86) The ordinate scaling is derived by dividing the area beneath a normal distribution curve into columnar segments of equal area.
(87) With the downward-sloping supply curve, higher interest rates lead to lower demand and lower supply.
(88) Now the rate of new infections drops dramatically along a mathematical curve almost the opposite of the one it initially rose upon.
(89) Draw a line with chalk to connect these points to form the top curve.
(90) How might knowledge of the experience curve be used strategically?