快好知 kuaihz

181 He was allowed to go out, but his parents made it a condition that he should get home before midnight. 182 The result of the poll won't be known until midnight. 183 It is totally out of the question to postpone the midnight deadline. 184 It was almost midnight that a fire broke out in the neighbourhood. 185 If they don't come to a decision by midnight, the talks will be abandoned. 186 A policeman was called to the house just after midnight. 187 If you're not in by midnight, there'll be trouble . 188 You can't phone her now - it's gone midnight ! 189 At the midnight, there were still some people hovering about the lake. 190 The result of the poll won't be known until around midnight. 191 He got lost and spent hours looking for the station, and anyway it was past midnight by the time he got home. 192 It's a bit thick to expect me to work until midnight! 193 It was almost midnight. 194 I know it's almost midnight, but we'd better press on and get the job finished. 195 The treaty comes into force at midnight on December 31. 196 The new law comes into force as from midnight tomorrow. 197 He looked at the moon and made the time to be midnight. 198 It must have been round midnight when I saw him. 199 Exam time was near, and more and more pupils were burning the midnight oil. 200 I can open the back gate at midnight. 201 There were begging letters, midnight telephone calls. 202 The baby arrived at five minutes past midnight. 203 The ban was backdated to midnight on Monday. 204 Very rarely do baseball games start at midnight. 205 I filed reports around midnight to catch the sports desk the following morning. 206 After a long time she looked at her bedside clock and saw that it was past midnight. 207 Five worlds split into several sections is certainly enough to keep you burning the midnight oil. 208 This is followed however by pitta bread, a cheese sandwich, crisps and a midnight bowl of porridge. 209 For a mere $ 10 more, enjoy all of the above and a late-night breakfast buffet after the midnight balloon drop. 210 Leafy and Obey stayed away for close to an hour, returning at last after midnight to admit defeat.