pill造句31, The pill is the most efficient method of birth control.
32, The election defeat was a bitter pill for the party to swallow.
33, The pill itself has changed a lot since it first came onto the market.
34, Losing the business was a bitter pill to swallow.
35, But everybody else is on the Pill.
36, The pill is prescribed by a doctor.
37, I formulated the suicide pill for him.
38, Reasons for stopping the pill seemed unremarkable.
39, Was it a hard pill to swallow?
40, Its failure to comfort is just another bitter pill.
41, They haven't got a pill for that yet.
42, Bob takes a pill after the meal.
43, Hannah's being a real pill today.
44, They're usually on the Pill before they have abortions.
45, The contraceptive pill is also a contributing factor.
46, When Bush came to the Oval Office, the abortion pill had been approved for the market.
47, The morning-after pill is to be available without prescription at chemists from the new year.
48, Did you tell me where the family planning clinics were, what they do, what age you can get the Pill?
49, It was a bit of a blow, a bitter pill to swallow.
50, Some one he loved more than he loved her, which was a hard pill to swallow.
51, Such a mythological offering is a sure pill for at least a mild schizophrenia.
52, I shake my head at the pill, and he flips it off the bed like it was a bug pestering him.
53, Nigel was given a sleeping pill and some cocoa before he went to bed.
54, They also show a protective effect of pregnancy and current use of the contraceptive pill.
55, Never under any circumstances take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.Dave Barry
56, There have been a number of people who have died after taking one pill.
57, She watched him swallow a red pill and then a yellow and black one.
58, The youth ordered a beer in a New York accent and drank it with a pill.
59, He simply chooses not to, and that's a very bitter pill to swallow for any child.
60, At around the same time the advent of the contraceptive pill gave women freedom from the fear of pregnancy.