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91) Gozitan legend says that a giantess built the temples single-handed, suckling her baby at the same time. 92) It probably was his only chance to touch a legend. 93) It is little surprise that legend and lore should have built up around it. 94) Trivers is a legend in biology, as he is the first ingenuously to confirm. 95) Four hundred years later, the tales of the women flowered into this legend. 96) But this was extended, through myth and legend, to be seen as a generalized blessing. 97) So, legend has it, was born the modern pentathlon. 98) As legend, Shang Fulin really can be a key. 99) I would answer it by recounting the following legend. 100) Soon the legend of Saint Nicholas spread across Europe. 101) The legend hero robed wealth for improve poor. 102) Papuan tribes used to have a legend. 103) The facts are more prosaic than the legend. 104) According to legend, the Trojan War had its genesis in a dispute between three Greek goddesses. 105) Miguel Indurain, Tour de France legend, had a huge advantage over his competitors. 106) Still, the idea that women use nearly three times as many words a day as men has taken on the status of an "urban legend, " he said. 107) A legend still persists that she showed George Washington how to make a five-pointed star and suggested thirteen stars in a circle for the first flag. 108) Glory and legend aside, in 1983, with a clear plate, Dennis's most immediate task was to select his Turtle students from the thousands who responded to his want ad. 109) When I first heard this story, I thought it was an urban legend. How could anyone heal anyone else by healing himself? 110) The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is an old short story by Washington Irving. 111) Shanghai Legend human resources monthly event and returnee gathering are jointly held on Saturday November 26. 112) The Noghri was in turn killed by Major Tierce of the Imperial Royal Guard, though the Noghri's killing of a hated enemy made him a legend. 113) According to legend, Pecos Bill was born in eastern Texas during the 1830's. 114) And Geordie legend Shearer, who knows Owen better than most, insists that the former Real Madrid ace is loving life on Tyneside with his wife and children settled in the area. 115) A legend on Capitol Hill, he was famous - his critics say infamous - for bringing huge amounts of federal "pork barrel" projects back to Alaska. 116) But over the centuries, the fate of this now legendary vessel, the so-called Holy Grail, has come to haunt stories ranging from Arthurian legend to Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. 117) Fragrance of a flower legend has magic power, can call up dead memory before one's death. 118) Week: Legend of Love Award particular location where, a year before a meet, so that this day week. 119) Another legend gives us the name for coffee or "mocha. " An Arabian was banished to the desert with his followers to die of starvation. 120) The Sargasso Sea, where floating seaweed accumulates and legend has it that ships thus founder, is also a result of this phenomenon.