快好知 kuaihz

(61) Strong suspicion attached to the victim's boyfriend. (62) She's dotty about this latest boyfriend. (63) Her boyfriend had been knocking her about. (64) She's unhappy because she's been having boyfriend trouble. (65) She got bored with her boyfriend and ditched him. (66) She absconded from boarding school with her boyfriend. (67) She found her boyfriend in bed with another woman. (68) She had rowed with her parents about her boyfriend. (69) She split up with her boyfriend last week. (70) The girl was knocked up by her boyfriend. (71) She's split up with her boyfriend. (72) You shouldn't let your boyfriend rule your life . (73) Have you met Jilly's new boyfriend yet? (74) She won't bear up her boyfriend. (75) She's decided to shack up with her boyfriend. (76) Jane has finished with her new boyfriend. (77) She's out on a date with her new boyfriend. (78) Her boyfriend is an impressive physical specimen. (79) It's from my boyfriend, if you must know. (80) She doesn't have a serious boyfriend. (81) Lorna is completely crazy about her boyfriend. (82) The problem is, my mother can't stick my boyfriend. (83) Rachel's still going out with the same boyfriend. (84) Her boyfriend is really wet. (85) My boyfriend gathered some beautiful flowers for me. (86) She meets her old boyfriend for a drink. (87) She was shepherded back home by her boyfriend. (88) She was shouting insults at her boyfriend. (89) She has forsaken her boyfriend. (90) She was wholly destroyed when her boyfriend left her.