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211. The recent history of U.S. banking regulation shows that 'it went off the rails on the rational-markets hypothesis, ' says Arthur Kroeber, managing director of Dragonomics, a research firm in Beijing. 212. These observations support the hypothesis of functional redundancy in the human gut microbiota. 213. We must be aware that Economic Man Hypothesis has practical significance in our government reform. 214. The current results have provided evidence for the hypothesis that empathy is phylogenetically continuous in mammals and has provided a rats' model of empathy for further research. 215. A corollary from the hypothesis is that, people's marginal propensity to consume in earlier life cycle is high, in the following life cycle is relatively low, and in the late life cycle is high again. 216. This study tested the hypothesis that the use of inotropic drugs is associated with postoperative AF. 217. The hypothesis favored on current evidence is that as the backwardly directed fins gradually turned into sideways-facing limbs with large areas for muscle attachments, they gained in strength. 218. To distinguish from the above two hypothesis, this thesis is based on the imperfect competition market to do the research on factors allocation of china peasants household.Sentence dictionary 219. It is a basic advocation of new political economy that applies the hypothesis of economy man to the domain of political market, and raises the question of rational behaviour of government man. 220. Certainly the concrete literalness of the enactments and their aliveness in the mind recall this early hypothesis. 221. The result of multiple correlation coefficient testing, F-testing and t-testing indicates that the model meets the hypothesis testing of linearity and its matching effect is preferable. 222. After the analysis and calculation to an emblematical hypothesis, we made further improvement to the model. The result validated the rationality of the model. 223. Our hypothesis was that the various constructs available for posterior cervicothoracic fixation would be mechanically equivalent. 224. The hypothesis holds that current income is apportioned to consumption over a lifetime. 225. The authors tested the hypothesis that genetically elevated plasma CRP causes COPD using a Mendelian randomisation design. 226. For its contributions to the study of the acquisition order the Teachability Hypothesis enriches the SLA theory and is of pedagogical significance as well.