exact造句181) You will need pelmet buckram and bump to equal the exact size of your pattern.
182) The association between chronic hepatitis C virus infection and hepatocellular carcinoma has been described, although the exact oncogenic mechanism is unknown.
183) However, an exact diagnosis can only be made by obtaining the arterial blood gas values.
184) The central nucleus of all these penicillins was the same, but the exact structure was established only after much controversy.
185) I was trying to calculate the exact number of hours which the motion allows the Committee to spend debating the Bill.
186) Log-rank test for clinical adverse events and Fisher's exact test for laboratory adverse events.
187) It is convenient to consider separately in this chapter a number of other exact solutions that satisfy this same condition.
188) Further work is needed at the conceptual level in this area to determine the exact nature of the constraints required.
189) In such research, exact statistics of public attitudes are of small importance.
190) Nurses frequently have difficulty in conveying the exact meaning of messages to patients and relatives.
191) With the exact position established,[www.] the outline can be scored with sharp blows from a club hammer and bolster chisel.
192) Whatever the requirements, there is a consultative process through which the exact needs are defined and agreement as to the design established.
193) Firstly, exact data on the overall population can be obtained from the annually updated census list based statistics.
194) They believed that anything could be obtained by force and were determined to exact the last drop of blood.
195) Choice of words and their arrangement in sentences to convey exact meaning are therefore vital in the activity of communicating.
196) Having made these general remarks, we may now briefly review the new exact solutions that have been presented.
197) The exact shape of the engine bell has to be very carefully designed.
198) In the long-run every Government is the exact symbol of its People, with their wisdom and unwisdom; we have to say, Like People like Government.Thomas Carlyle
199) Cut out the bump to the exact size of buckram.
200) The calorie counts are given after each item, and all the portions are average size unless exact measurements are stated.
201) Yet most of the time they resist the temptation to exact retribution, despite the abundant opportunities the game affords.
202) By clarifying in your own mind the exact nature of these positions you can enter into bargaining with much greater confidence.
203) They were constructed carefully, sometimes as exact circles, sometimes as partial ellipses.
204) A representative assembly should be in miniature an exact portrait of the people at large.
205) Gerald Ford, as a speaker, was the exact opposite of a stand-up comic.
206) Rounding up from 0.3871, the more exact figure, to 0.39 gave Craig an unearned bonus of I 1.07 votes.
207) And this, in turn, produced the exact opposite of what the Carnegie report had predicted-a large increase in compensatory education.
208) That same family, with the exact same buying power, would have been forced into the 40-percent bracket by 1980.
209) Does An exact copy of a Michelangelo statue lose artistic merit because it doesn't have his name on it.
210) The exact location is being kept secret to avoid poaching, which almost drove the giant clam to extinction 20 years ago.