cognitive造句91. With the advent of Verbivore, however, people are forced once again to rely on their own cognitive and creative resources.
92. Cognitive social psychologists assume that it is pan of human nature to reduce uncertainty by processing the external stimulus world through schemata.
93. Moreover, particular examples of the use or non-use of multiple points of view are not necessarily indicators of cognitive deprivation.
94. On the whole, the difference I described between child-cantered and cognitive nursery schools also pertain to kindergartens.
95. Psychologists use tests that examine the cognitive skills of the child.
96. Reading takes years of learning and practice by the human child, who already has an established linguistic and cognitive system.
97. In their entirety the cognitive therapy techniques of Beck and his colleagues offer a complete system of psychotherapy.
98. The best cognitive theory we have motivates the best valid interpretation we can get.
99. As the cognitive aspects of intelligence are developing, there is a parallel development of affect.
100. If functionalism is false, then the success of the cognitive sciences is a massive scientific fluke.
101. We do not know how cognitive maps are stored in the brain.
102. Now consider an ingenious experiment which almost forces us to suppose that an animal has a cognitive map.
103. The cognitive capabilities of the adolescent with fully developed formal operations are qualitatively equal to those of the adult.
104. The other is to build up a cognitive map of the region to be traversed.
105. The recent trend toward cognitive approaches to metaphor provides a means of formalizing such a conception.
106. The complete lack of cognitive improvements leads them to suggest that cognitive impairment is intrinsically associated with long-term morbidity in schizophrenia.
107. Mental and physical actions in the environment are a necessary but not sufficient condition for cognitive development.
108. It is also very probable that the cognitive style which overinclusive and divergent thinking have in common is strongly inherited.
109. There are among honey bees three reported examples that appear at first glance to qualify as cognitive trial-and-error.
110. The important conclusion is that some of the cognitive capacities needed for language evolved long before humans.
112. The designers decided to supply the cognitive power of this machine by giving it a human.
113. The rats used their cognitive maps to achieve the goal, showing they had learned the maze.
114. The rhetorical perspective has explicitly criticized the one-sidedness of much cognitive social psychological theory and its emphasis upon schematic categorization.
115. They will possess the same cognitive structures and whatever maturational schedules thereof that underlie hearing children's language acquisition.
116. Marita was being asked to write in a cognitive and social vacuum.
117. But cognitive theories' rationalism is male-identified, drawing on dominant conceptions of the masculine nature of logical, coherent thought.
118. Errors have generally been attributed to cognitive causes, evidence of the learner's psychological process of rule formation.
119. Nevertheless, there is a crucial difference between the cognitive approach and that of social representations.
120. To do this, the child requires considerable cognitive flexibility and a good understanding of the concept of intention.