formula造句121) Diplomatic sources said the main question now is whether a formula can be found to bridge the gap on both issues.
122) Yet tonight there was something different, a new element in the formula.
123) The stock allocation to an individual account is based upon a percentage of pay or some other formula established in advance.
124) Admittedly the computer did use them to calculate the appropriate genetic formula for every point on the picture.
125) Her feeding tube delivers formula 20 hours a day and must be kept clean to prevent infection.
126) The formula is given below and her conclusions where applicable are followed here. 1.
127) This is allocated between local authorities on the basis of their population and a complex formula.
128) The infant formula brouhaha created a monster which may yet check and balance the dread corporation: the multinational pressure group.
129) Another of Shaffer's passions is racing his Formula Ford car to unwind in what little spare time he has.
130) It's almost embarrassing the way his Oxfordshire-based team have dominated Formula One this season.
131) A corporate financial analyst then pointed out that the compensation formula Dave had developed would be impracticable on a company-wide level.
132) The formula governing firefighters' pay is linked to the national average earnings for manual workers.
133) It is essential that the impact of resource allocation formula is justifiable on grounds other than the composition of any particular formula.
134) He ran out of sponsorship money and had to take on odd jobs like window cleaning to fund his Formula Three programme.
135) The mix and match formula ensures that shareholders are treated on an equal basis.
136) When a total loss arises the following formula can be used to establish the written down value.
137) As enacted in 1974, the formula allocated funds on the basis of three elements-population, overcrowded housing,[http:///formula.html] and poverty.
138) You're absolutely right Stephen, the formula should be W - gremlins in the computer again!
139) The formula looks very complicated because it suddenly introduces cell addresses that mix relative and absolute references.
140) As the formula clearly involved some reduction in wages, this was much more than a formality.
141) After Pescara, it is the second longest circuit to be used for a Formula One championship race.
142) He offered an all but certain formula for economic progress.
143) By this stage we were beginning to realise the formula is two days in Paris, six days in a health farm.
144) This sense of self-responsibility does not lead to a set formula of classroom management at Fratney.
145) The present-value formula may be derived directly from the compound interest formula.
146) In this way the formula of a compound can be used to calculate the percentage composition by mass of a compound.
147) As no formula for capitation funding had been developed fundholders were given budgets on a historical basis.
148) A new family shampoo comes by way of Cuticura Medicated Shampoo, with an original coal tar formula that helps prevent dandruff.
149) The federal formula for determining funding amounts, Atha says, is based in large part on unemployment rates.
150) The Department of Health has signalled its intention to review the formula in the light of 1991 census data, again using small area analysis.