reinforce造句31) Simple reward charts can be used to reinforce either sitting at the table or finishing a meal for the 3-year-old and older.
32) Understanding the grammar rules may reinforce fluency and accuracy, but will not of itself enable you to speak correctly.
33) For the study of social need and welfare policy this is clearly right; yet it unwittingly helps to reinforce the stereotypes.
34) It is likely to be more difficult to change attitudes or behaviour through advertising than to reinforce them.
35) They also reinforce the natural link between our products and high quality, original cultural and leisure events.
36) As it is no longer in focus the drill serves to reinforce what has already been drilled and ensures automaticity of control.
37) Huge beams have been added at the top of the walls to reinforce the carved medieval roof.
38) To reinforce the sales pitch, the video van will return to the village next month.
39) It has a cult-like following with the potential to exploit gullible people and reinforce obsessional behaviour.
40) A small racist joke or ill considered sentence only serves to reinforce negative attitudes.
41) Ageist assumptions underlie policies in the social security field and not surprisingly therefore, these policies reinforce age discrimination.
42) In contrast to the redistributive capital tax considered in Section 8-3, the indirect effects reinforce the transfer.
43) This dualism tended to reinforce a form of psychophysical parallelism in ethology.
44) This implies significant negotiating skills in order to diagnose, manage and reinforce the outcomes of individual motivation.
45) Are the investments of these agencies helping to challenge or reinforce the historic sectarian divisions within the labour market? 3.
46) If multiple warheads are deployed, the different blast waves reinforce each other, increasing their destructive power.
47) In the present case Mr. Glick was fully entitled to, and did, point to practical considerations to reinforce his argument.
48) Non-verbal behaviours need to accompany and reinforce what you are saying, your verbal behaviour.
49) Once the states knew the message of the day, they could reinforce it as they saw fit.
50) In their interplay, the two developments tended to reinforce each other on an international scale.
51) In such circumstances, market forces may actually come to reinforce this development and contribute to unbalanced regional growth.
52) Mr Kinnock intends to reinforce his conviction that Labour is in a position to win in his keynote speech tomorrow.
53) I have so advised Mr Simpson but it might be helpful if you could reinforce the point.
54) Legislation will be introduced to reinforce the regulation of privatised utilities.
55) We might have expected this switch to reinforce the downward trend in the ratio of direct to indirect tax receipts.
56) The department also runs seminars on developing clinical and communication skills to reinforce the students' experience in the practices.
57) In both, it is assumed that the criminal law can and should be used to protect or to reinforce moral principles.
58) However, those exemptions and discounts merely reinforce the fundamental flaw at the centre of the council tax.
59) Without imperial authority to reinforce its moral precepts, it increasingly relied on high-minded exhortation.
60) The film should reinforce existing knowledge and then introduce further topics, concepts and principles.