margin造句121. Just as with word processing type can be set flush with the left-hand margin, centred or justified.
122. The margin of safety in dealing with emergencies may then be narrowed or broadened.
123. The bank's operating margin was below the 20.8 per cent increase registered in September.
124. The close score after 12 games confounds pre-match predictions that Kasparov would win this time by a large margin.
125. Land use itself also quickly adapts to price signals, and the economic margin of cultivation can therefore change very rapidly.
126. The poll, conducted this week, had a margin of error of 5 percent.
127. He was United's best player by some margin on the night.
128. Word wrap returned the cursor to the new setting, not to the original margin position.
129. Both houses must pass an amendment by a two-thirds margin and three-fourths of the states then must ratify it.
130. Nationally, Republican delegates listed fiscal issues as most important by a two-to-one margin.
131. This is occasionally true in local elections, where the margin between candidates can be rather small.
132. The two were only a point apart going into the final dive, which Keim nailed for 13-point margin.
133. Its 25% net margin is bettered in the computer industry only by Intel, the world's biggest micro-processor maker.
134. The game was decided by a very narrow margin.
135. This unusual margin of safety isn't merely theoretical.
136. This price will allow a good margin of profit.
137. It leaves us almost no margin of profit.
138. The price leaves no margin of profit.
139. No margin of error was permitted in its compilation.
140. That is what Ben Graham a margin of safety.
141. Tom passed the examination a narrow margin.
142. He passed the exam by a narrow margin.
143. Tom passed the examination by a narrow margin.
144. Rhinoplasty is precise surgery in which the margin of error is measured in millimeters.
145. Nasal process of premaxilla forms the whole posterior margin of the naris.
146. X - ray no abnormal sacroiliac joint, lumbar intervertebral space that the narrow margin of lip - shaped vertebral hyperplasia.
147. Hold down the mouse button and drag mouse to move the margin.
148. Because investing is as much an art as a science, investors need a margin of safety.
149. If we don't improve our margin of safety, we could be held liable for accidents.
150. This substantial excess of value creates a comfortable margin of safety in each transaction.