rhythm造句91. His imaginative stories use the elements of poetry -- rhythm, rhyme, alliteration.
92. The law-machine was clanking and clattering to its own weird rhythm.
93. When you remain awake all night, your circadian rhythm does not cease.
94. After the polonaise, the first waltz brightened the room with its jaunty rhythm.
95. Finally, the third rhythm forms a contrastingly smooth arpeggio which sweeps upwards in pairs of quavers.
96. Clearly, a rhythm in food intake might be able to adjust the body clock via several mechanisms.
97. He glanced at the clock and nodded his approval without breaking the rhythm created by his fingers on the strings.
98. Joey Meeson watched as Lizzy danced, her body undulating to the thumping rhythm of the acid house music.
99. Gordy started blowing on the trumpet in rhythm with her cries.
100. The electric bass for ever altered the relationship between the rhythm section, the horns, and other melodic instruments.
101. They have spent ten years perfecting their own blend of rhythm and blues and building up a solid base in the region.
102. Gently she improvised a slow sensuous rhythm, sealing bottom lips with ecstasy.
103. Outside, the crickets chirped monotonously, with a Webern-like inconsistency yet precision of rhythm.
104. With a yet slower rhythm than the polar ice, the tides of civilization ebbed and flowed across the galaxy.
105. When you listen to the radio, the music deadens your rhythm and causes you to create uniform sentences.
106. Breathing rhythm was established by the movement of a bar graph displayed on the computer screen.
107. The end result is a music in which rhythm and pattern dominate.
108. Children in primary school playgrounds clearly demonstrate an instinctive pleasure in rhythm, pattern and rhyme.
109. Single bamboo canes are also used as rhythm sticks in many parts of the world, including Polynesia and the Amazon Basin.
110. The rhythm is responding to an external influence that has not been controlled in the experimental protocol.
111. The circadian rhythm you feel as wakefulness and sleepiness is the result of internal body changes.
112. The rat does not immediately adjust its daily rhythm to the melatonin.
113. The second was the rhythm of the war itself, which gave time for the detailed discussion of post-war policy.
114. Children like poetry because they are sensitive to rhythm and music and are attracted by its brevity and directness.
115. Storni's use of rhythm creates an effect of tension in her poems.
116. In fact, these words break the sentence rhythm, placing emphasis on the words that follow.
117. To understand how exercise affects sleep, you must understand the circadian rhythm of the human body.
118. If he writes slowly and with extreme care, he forsakes natural rhythm and ease of style.
119. His electrocardiogram showed sinus rhythm with widespread ST-T wave abnormalities.
120. Cureton has provided a theoretical account of our intuitions about rhythm.