operator造句(181) A cable system has two types of customers-advertisers and consumers who subscribe to a package of programming offered by the cable operator.
(182) Ed Williams often worked late shifts as a chemical operator for the Albemarle Co., arriving home before dawn.
(183) He remains a formidable political operator and is usually at his best on the hustings.
(184) It requires concentration by the operator but, again, I would not let the speaker do it himself.
(185) At this stage the typical machine operator manipulated machine controls on the basis of data presented on instruments.
(186) The screen flashed up a weapons menu, requesting operator input.
(187) Corepressor binding does not cause significant structural change in the protein, though it greatly increases the affinity for the operator.
(188) Integrated letter writing involves combining and manipulating data from a variety of different sources with the minimum of operator intervention.
(189) This applies particularly to routines and repetitive work where the main operator limitation is not capacity or skill but stamina.
(190) In reality Goldie is a shrewd operator who is proud to have made it to the top on her own merits.
(191) Back at bomber command, the radio operator received the distress call.
(192) He went back to your hotel and had a very interesting chat with the switchboard operator.
(193) Diagnoses are based on evidence accumulated about failure modes, operator observations of symptoms and historical records.
(194) When the property market was rising every day a slick operator could buy and sell again without much risk.
(195) a day-care center operator.
(196) Do not buy a policy from the wholesale tour operator from which you bought your trip.
(197) Ken: Who's calling? Operator: It's a Mr. John Smith.
(198) This is the overseas telephone operator.
(199) I was to be a telegraph operator.
(200) It is convenient to introduce here the summation operator.
(201) Creating a transcontinental wireless operator seems to make sense.
(202) Every normal operator is trivially subnormal.
(203) Operator ( of ka pay phone ): Operator.
(204) Operator: abdominal pain, any diarrhea, vomiting and giddiness?
(205) My grandfather was a telegraph operator in Korean War.
(206) The return type of the overloaded function call operator.
(207) Next she tried the Information operator in Bellingham,[.com] Washington.
(208) For this, fryer operator is being planted.
(209) The second chapter discusses the monotone operator functions.
(210) Are you an experienced telephone operator?